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Sobider: Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Dulkadir kelimesinin aslı hakkında ileri sürülen görüşlere bakıldığı zaman bu kelimenin tam olarak ne anlama geldiği ve telaffuzu konusunda tam bir fikir birliği bulunmadığı görülür. Dulkadir adının Türkçe, Arapça, Farsça kaynaklarda farklı şekillerde yazılmış olması ve telaffuz farklılıkları kelimenin menşeinin tespitini zorlaştırmaktadır. Dulkadirliler ile ilgili doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak bilgi veren kaynaklarda bu adın Dulgadır, Dulkadir, Zulgadir, Zulkadir, Zilkadir, Tolgadır gibi çeşitli şekillerde yazıldığı görülmektedir. Dulkadir adının anlamı hususunda da tarihçiler ve dilciler arasında görüş ayrılıkları vardır. Richard Hartmann'a göre, Zulkadir adı "zu" ile "kadir" kelimelerinin birleşmesiyle Arapça "kudret sahibi", "güçlü" anlamına gelen bir tamlamadır. Beyliğin adı yaygın bir şekilde Dulkadir olarak günümüze kadar gelmiştir. Karaca Bey zamanlarında yaşayan Arab Müverrihi İbn Şahne yazdığı tarihinde bu kelimeyi daima Dulkadir şeklinde kaydediyor. Kelime Arapça olsa idi İbn Şahne, Zulkadr şeklinde yazacaktı. Genellikle Arap müverrihlerinde kelimeleri Arapça kalıplara sokarak yazma eğilimi vardır. Muhtemelen İbn Şahne bu kelimeyi birçok defalar işittiği için Dulkadir şeklinde yazdı. Buna binaen bu kelime Arapça Zülkadr veya Zülkadir olmayıp Türkçe Dulkadir olduğu da iddia edilmektedir.


From the time to the time of establishment

When you look at the views of the word Dulkadir about the original, it appears that this word is exactly what it means and there is no complete consensus on its pronunciation. The fact that the name Dulkadir is written in different forms in Turkish, Arabic, and Persian sources and differences in pronunciation make it difficult to identify the origin of the word. In the sources that provide information directly or indirectly about the Dulkadir, this name is written in various forms, such as Dulkadir, Zulgadir, Zulkadir, Zilkadir, Tolgadır. There are also differences in the significance of the name Dulkadir between historians and linguists. According to Richard Hartmann, the name Zulkadir is a compliment that in Arabic means “powerful” and “powerful” with the combination of the words “zu” and “kadir”. The name of the beast has been widely known as Dulkadir until today. The Arab Müverrihi Ibn Shahne, who lived in the time of Karaca, has always recorded this word in the form of Dulkadir. If the word was in Arabic, Ibn Shahne would be written in the form of Zulkadr. Often in Arabic mouths there is a tendency to write words by putting in Arabic patterns. Per Ibn Shahne has written this word many times because he has heard it. This word is not Arabic Zülkadr or Zülkadir and is also claimed to be Turkish Dulkadir.


The History Of The Dulkadiroglu Principal From Its Foundation To Destruction

When the opinions put forward about the origin of the word Dulkadir are examined, it is seen that there is no complete consensus on what this word means exactly and its pronunciation. The fact that the name Dulkadir is written in different ways in Turkish, Arabic and Persian sources and the pronunciation differences make it difficult to determine the origin of the word. It is seen that this name is written in various ways such as Dulgadır, Dulkadir, Zulgadir, Zulkadir, Zilkadir, Tolgadır in the sources that give information about Dulkadir people directly or indirectly. There are differences of opinion among historians and linguists about the meaning of the name Dulkadir. According to Richard Hartmann, the name Zulkadir is a combination of the words "zu" and "power" and is an Arabic phrase meaning "powerful", "strong". The name of the principality has survived to the present day as Dulkadir. Arab Müverrihi İbn Şahne, who lived in the times of Karaca Bey, always records this word as Dulkadir in his writing history. Had the word been in Arabic, Ibn Shahna would have written it as Zulkadr. Generally, Arab historians tend to write words in Arabic patterns. Probably because Ibn Shahna heard this word many times, he wrote it as Dulkadir. Accordingly, it is claimed that this word is not Arabic Zülkadr or Zülkadir, but Turkish Dulkadir.


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