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 Görüntüleme 44
 İndirme 4
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Hindistan’a Timurlular olarak gelen Babürlüler, Babür Şah tarafından 1526-1530 yılları arasında kurulmuş önemli bir Türk devletidir. Mughal ya da Timurlular olarak ifade edilen Babürlü devleti XVII. yüzyıl itibariyle o güne kadar Hindistan’da kurulmuş en büyük ve merkezi devlettir. Babür Şah ve oğlu Hümayun Şah dönemleri, farklı bir coğrafyada yeni kurulmuş olmanın verdiği acemilik ve orada birçok etnik gruba hakimiyet sağlamanın zorlu mücadeleleri ile geçmiş, devletin erken dönemini kapsaması nedeniyle çok fazla imar faaliyeti gerçekleştirilememiştir. Bu dönemde yapıldığı bilinen az sayıdaki eserlerin birçoğu da ne yazık ki günümüze ulaşamamıştır. Hümayun Şah’tan sonra tahta geçen oğlu Ekber Şah döneminde ise birçok alanda olduğu gibi özellikle mimaride önemli gelişmeler yaşanmıştır. Ekber Şah dönemi ile birlikte anıtsal ölçekli yapılar Orta Asya gelenekleri yanında, Hint ve İslam mimarisinin sentezi altında Babürlü Dönemi mimarisinin genel özellikleri ortaya çıkmaya başlamıştır. Daha sonraki Babürlü hükümdarları olan Cihangir ve Şah Cihan dönemlerinde de mimari alanda birçok eser ortaya konulmuş, Babürlüler bu dönemde dünya mirasına önemli eserler kazandırmışlardır. Devletin son hükümdarı olan Evrengzib döneminde ise küçük çaplı da olsa önemli eserler verilmeye çalışılmış ancak bu tarihten sonra Babürlüler ne yazık ki tekrar eski ihtişam ve güçlerine kavuşamamışlardır. Araştırma konumuzu oluşturan Hümayun Türbe bahçesi ve çevresinde yer alan yapılar Hümayun Şah döneminde ve sonrasında inşa edilmiş XVI. ve XVII. yüzyıllara tarihlenen ağırlıklı olarak türbe ve cami yapı gruplarından oluşmaktadır. Türbenin bulunduğu bahçe girişinin kuzey batısında Halime Türbesi ve bahçesi, güney batısında İsa Han Türbesi ve Camisi, devamında Arap Sarayı, Afsarvala Türbesi ve Camisi yer almaktadır. Bu yapıların devamındaki bahçe kapısından Hümayun Türbesi’nin yer aldığı çarbağ düzenine sahip bahçeye girilmektedir. Bahçenin merkezinde Hümayun’un iki katlı türbesi bulunmaktadır. Türbeyi içine alan bahçenin kuzey kenar ortasında hamam, doğu kenar ortasında Baradari denilen yazlık köşk, güney kenar ortasında ise bahçenin giriş kapısı bulunmaktadır. Hümayun Türbesinin bahçesinin güneydoğusunda ise Berber Türbesi yer almaktadır. Hümayun Türbesi’nin bahçesi içerisinde ve çevresinde yer alan her bir yapı Babürlüler’in erken dönemine ait önemli mimari örneklerini içermektedir. Bu çalışmada yukarıda adı geçen yapıların mimari özellikleri hakkında bilgiler verilecek, daha önce ülkemizde çalışılmamış olan bu konunun önemli bir bölümü aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Uninterrupted works in the garden and surroundings of the Delfine Turbo

The Baburlians who come to India as Timurlians are an important Turkish state founded by Babur Shah between 1526 and 1530. The Mughal or Timurlular state of Baburli XVII. It was the largest and central state founded in India since the century until that day. Babur Shah and his son Hümayun Shah periods have passed with the initiativity of being newly established in a different geography and the hard struggles of dominating many ethnic groups there, because the early period of the state has been covered, much of the construction activity has not been carried out. Unfortunately, many of the works that have been made during this period have not yet reached our day. After Hümayun Shah, his son, Ekber Shah, during the period, has experienced significant developments in architecture, as in many areas. With the Ekber Shah period, monumental-scale structures alongside Central Asian traditions, under the synthesis of the Indian and Islamic architecture, the general characteristics of the Baburlu Period architecture began to appear. In the later Baburli rulers, in the period of Cihangir and Shah Cihan, many works were shown in the architectural field, and Baburlians in this period gained important works to the world's heritage. During the period, the last ruler of the state, the Evrenzib was attempted to give important works, though small, but after this date the Baburlians unfortunately did not regain their old glory and powers. The Hümayun Turbe Garden and the surrounding structures that make up our research location were built during and after the Hümayun Shah period and XVI. and XVII. For centuries it consists mainly of turbine and mosque building groups. In the northwest of the garden entrance where the turbine is located the Halime Turbesi and its garden, in the southwest the Jesus Han Turbesi and Mosque, followed by the Arab Palace, the Afsarvala Turbesi and Mosque. From the garden door on these structures, the garden is entering with a shrimp arrangement where the Hümayun Turbesi is located. In the center of the garden there is a two-storey turbine of Hümayun. On the northern edge of the garden, the turbine is located on the hamam, on the eastern edge on the summer corner called Baradari, and on the southern edge on the entrance door of the garden. In the south-eastern part of the garden of Hümayun Turbesi is the Berber Turbesi. Each building located inside and around the garden of Hümayun Turbesi contains important architectural examples of the early period of the Baburlians. This study will provide information about the architectural characteristics of the above-mentioned structures, and will try to illuminate an important part of this topic that has not previously been studied in our country.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Buildings In The Garden and Surrounding Of Humayun’s Tomb, Delhi

Mughals, coming to India as Timurids, is an important Turkish state founded by Babur Shah between the years of 1526-1530. Babur State, which is called as Mughal or Timurids, was the biggest and central state founded by the XVIIth century to that day. The periods of Babur Shah and his son Humayun Shah were difficult since there was the inexperience of a different geography and there was the struggle of dominating many ethnic groups there. Since it was the early periods of the state, not many construction activities were carried out. Unfortunately, many of the few constructions known to have been built at that time have not survived today. During the reign of Akbar Shah, who succeeded to the throne after his father, Humayun Shah, important developments took place especially in architecture. Along with the Akbar Shah period, monumental scale structures began to reveal the general characteristics of Mughal Period architecture under the synthesis of Indian and Islamic architecture as well as Central Asian traditions. Later, during the periods of Mughal rulers Jahangir and Shah Jahan, many works were produced in the field of architecture, and Mughals brought important works to the world heritage in that period. During the reign of Evrengzib, the last ruler of the state, some important works were tried to be produced, albeit on a small scale. However, after this date, Mughals could not regain their former glory and power. The buildings in the garden and surrounding of Humayun Tomb, which is the subject of this research, were built in and after the period of Humayun Shah. They are dated XVIth and XVIIth centuries and consist of mainly tomb and mosque construction groups. In the northwest to the entrance of the garden in which the tomb is located there is Bu Halima’s Tomb and its garden, and in the southwest, there is Isa Khan’s Tomb and Mosque, and later on there is Arab Serai, Afsarvala’s Tomb and Mosque. The garden gate after these buildings opens to the garden with charbagh design in which Humayun’s Tomb is located. In the center of the garden, there is the two-storey tomb of Humayun. In the middle of the north edge of the garden, there is the hammam, in the middle of the east edge there is the pavilion called as Baradari that allowed free flow of air and in the middle of the south edge there is the entrance gate of the garden. There is Barber’s Tomb. Each building in the garden and surrounding of Humayun’s Tomb includes important architectural examples of the early period of Mughals. In this study, information on the architectural characteristics of the above mentioned buildings will be given, and an important part of this matter that has not been studied on in Turkey will be tried to be enlightened.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 3.435
Atıf : 11.850
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Hukuk Temel Alanı

Spor Bilimleri Temel Alanı

İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Filoloji Temel Alanı

The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies