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Harput Araştırmaları Dergisi

Osmanlı Devletinde ulaşım ve haberleşme hizmetleri kara, deniz ve nehir yollarıyla gerçekleştiriliyordu. Karayolları ile nehirlerin kesiştiği noktalarda ya köprüler yapılarak ya da kurulan iskelelerde işletilen gemiler vasıtası ile ulaşım sağlanıyordu. Mamuretü’l-aziz vilayeti dâhilinde, Fırat nehri üzerinde işletilen birçok kayık sayesinde ulaşım sağlanmaktaydı. İstanbul’dan başlayarak Bağdat’a giden orta yol üzerinde bulunan Harput’un İzoli ve Herdi nahiyelerinde yer alan iskelelerde işlettirilen kayıklar vasıtasıyla ulaşım aksamadan gerçekleştirilmekteydi. Bu kayıklar aynı zamanda bağlı oldukları belediyeler için de önemli gelir kaynaklarıdır. İzoli ve Herdi kayıklarının vergileri (rüsum) Tanzimat’tan itibaren 1890’lı yıllara kadar Malatya belediyesine ait olarak idare edilmiştir. Hâlbuki nehrin bir tarafı merkez vilayet idaresinde (Mamuretü’l-aziz) bulunduğundan bu gelirlerin yarısının da merkez vilayet belediyesinin idaresine bırakılması gerekmekteydi. Bu maksatla Vilayet İdare Meclisi bir karar alarak bu durumun düzeltilmesi talebinde bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada Osmanlı Arşivi Daire Başkanlığı ŞD-1494-23 noda bulunan belgelerdeki veriler çerçevesinde İzoli ve Herdi kayıkları rüsumunun Malatya belediyesine mi yoksa vilayet merkez belediyesi Mamuretü’l-aziz’e mi ait olduğu konusu aydınlatılmaya çalışılacaktır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The river and the river of the river, which is the river of the river.

In the Ottoman state, transport and communication services were carried out by land, sea and river routes. Transportation was provided on the road and the river crossing points either by building bridges or through ships operated in established stairs. In the province of Mamuretü'l-aziz, the transport was provided thanks to many ships operated on the river Furat. From Istanbul to Baghdad on the middle road located in the Isoli and Herdi districts of Harput, transportation was carried out through ships operated in the islands. These ships are also an important source of income for the municipalities to which they are connected. The taxes of Isoli and Herdi ships (Rusum) were administered as belonging to the municipality of Malta from Tanzimat until the 1890s. The river was in the middle of the city, and half of it was in the middle of the city, and half of it was in the middle of the city. In this case, the Council of Ministers has made a decision to ask for a correction of the situation. In this study, the data in the documents contained in the chapter 1494-23 of the Ottoman Archive Department will be attempted to clarify whether the Isoli and Herdi ships are belonging to the municipality of Malatya or the provincial central municipality of Mamuretü'l-aziz.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Issue Of Which Municipality Belongs To The Taxes On The Ships Operated In The Euphrates River

In the Ottoman Empire, land, sea and river routes carried out transportation and communication services. At the crossroads of highways and rivers, transpor-tation was provided either by making bridges or by ships operated on the piers established. Transportation was provided through many boats operated on the Euphrates River within the Mamuretü'l-aziz province. The transportation was carried out with-out delay by the boats operated on the piers located in the isolation and Herdi districts of Harput on the middle road starting from Istanbul to Baghdad. These boats are also important sources of income for the municipalities they are affiliated with. Taxes of Izoli and Herdi boats (rüsum) were managed by the municipality of Malatya from Tanzimat until the 1890s. However, since one side of the river was in the central province administration (Mamuretü'l-aziz), half of these revenues had to be left to the administration of the central province municipality. For this purpose, the Provincial Administration Council made a decision and requ-ested the correction of this situation. In this study, it will be tried to clarify whether the isolation of Isoli and Herdi boats belongs to Malatya municipality or the provincial central municipality Mamu-retü'l-aziz within the framework of the data in the documents in the Ottoman Archive Department ŞD-1494-23.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Harput Araştırmaları Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 118
Atıf : 249
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Harput Araştırmaları Dergisi