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Lüks Moda Giyim Markalarının Dijital Dönüşümü
IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Teknolojinin ve yeni nesillerin, marka mirasına dayanan ürünlerin hızla değişen ihtiyaçlara ve yaşam tarzlarına hitap etme yeteneğini sorguladığı günümüzde lüks markalar, ‘Y Kuşağı’nın ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini karşılamak için marka imajını derinlemesine revize etme ihtiyacına işaret eden ‘yeniden markalaşma’ aşamasından geçiyorlar. Araştırmada; moda sektöründeki kültürel, sosyal, ekonomik, çevresel ve rekabetçi değişimlerin ışığında, lüks markaların hedef kitlelerine nasıl daha iyi yaklaşabileceklerine dair güncel bir bakış açısı sağlayan bir inceleme yapmak hedeflenmiştir. Bu bağlamda makalede dijital dönüşüme erken adapte olan, alanında teknolojik yenilikleri takip edip benimseyen ve lüks moda sektörüne öncülük eden Burberry markası örnek olarak seçilmiş; 2006 yılından beri gerçekleştirdiği dijital dönüşüm stratejisi araştırılmıştır. Balenciaga markasının 2021 Sonbahar/Kış Hazır Giyim Koleksiyon sunumu olan dijital video oyunu konsepti ise dijital ve sürdürülebilirlik vizyonu ile dikkat çekici, fütüristtik bir başka örnek olarak incelenmiştir. Nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılan makaleye; yönetim danışmanlığı şirketlerinin araştırma raporları, markaların resmî web siteleri ve raporları, gazeteler ve dergilerde çevrimiçi yayınlanan sektörü ilgilendiren makaleler gibi elektronik kaynaklar ve yabancı kitaplar, makaleler, bildiriler kaynak teşkil etmektedir. Yapılan araştırmanın bulgusu olarak, lüks markaların moda tasarım ürünlerinin çok kanallı satışına yönelik geliştirdikleri dijital uygulamalarında; potansiyel hedef kitleleri olarak HENRY (High-Earners-Not-Rich-Yet) kısaltması ile ifade edilen ‘yüksek gelir sahibi olup henüz zengin olmayan’ Y Kuşağı ve yakın gelecekte alım gücüne kavuşacak Z kuşağı tüketicilere odaklandıkları tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Dijital Darwinizm döneminde markaların hayatta kalmak için sadece farklı düşünmesi değil, farklı davranması da gerektiği ortaya konulmaktadır. Lüks markaların iletişimlerine ve pazarlama stratejilerine yön verecek, markanın bilgi ve üretimlerinin dijital dönüşümünün sürdürülebileceği ‘inovasyon merkezleri’ne ihtiyaç duyulduğu belirlenmiştir. Zamanının ruhunu anlayan, değişime adapte olabilen, yenilikçi, sosyal açıdan iç görüye, keskin zekaya ve büyük bir bütçeye sahip moda tasarımcıların ve markaların yakın gelecekte çok kanallı perakendecilik ile satış başarılarını sürdürebilecekleri anlaşılmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The digital transformation of fashion clothing brands

Today, when technology and the ability of new generations to respond to the rapidly changing needs and lifestyle of brand-based products are questioned, luxury brands are passing through the ‘re-branding’ phase, which indicates the need to thoroughly revise the brand image to meet the needs and expectations of the ‘Y Generation’. In light of cultural, social, economic, environmental and competitive changes in the fashion industry, the study aims to conduct an investigation that provides an up-to-date perspective on how luxury brands can get closer to their target audience. In this context, the article selected as an example the Burberry brand, which was early adapted to digital transformation, followed and adopted technological innovations in the field and led the luxury fashion industry; the digital transformation strategy it has been conducted since 2006 has been investigated. The concept of digital video game, which is Balenciaga’s 2021 Autumn/Winter Prepared Clothing Collection presentation, has been studied as a remarkable, futuristic example with its digital and sustainability vision. Qualitative research method for the article used; management consultancy companies research reports, official websites and reports of brands, newspapers and magazines published online articles such as electronic sources and foreign books, articles, reports sources. The research found that luxury brands in their digital applications for the multi-channel sale of fashion design products have focused on the consumers of the Y Generation and the Z Generation, which will gain purchasing power in the near future, expressed by the HENRY (High-Earners-Not-Rich-Yet) as potential target groups. As a result, it is revealed that in the era of digital darwinism, brands should not only think differently, but also behave differently to survive. It will guide the communications and marketing strategies of luxury brands, and it has been determined that the brand’s knowledge and production needs the ‘innovation centers’ where the digital transformation can be sustainable. It is clear that fashion designers and brands, who understand the spirit of time, can adapt to change, are innovative, socially intrinsic, with sharp intelligence and a big budget, will be able to continue their sales successes with multi-channel retail in the near future.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Digital Transformation Of Luxury Clothing Brands

New generations and technologies have somehow questioned the ability of products built on a firm’s heritage to address rapidly changing needs and lifestyles. Is that coherent with the heritage and brand images are “re-branding,” which signals the need to profoundly revise the brand image to cater to the most crucial ‘Millennial’ needs and expectations. In keeping with fast-changing trends, demographic growth, technological advances, and dynamic changes in consumer behaviors, the luxury market is experiencing various developments. In the research, In the light of cultural, social, economic, environmental, and competitive changes in the fashion industry, it is aimed to make a review that provides an up-to-date perspective on how luxury brands can better approach their target groups. In this context, in this article, the digital transformation strategy of Burberry brand has been investigated from 2006-2020 period, which has adapted early to digital transformation, follows, and adopts technological innovations in its field and pioneers the luxury fashion industry. The digital video game concept, which is the 2021 Autumn / Winter Ready-to-Wear Collection presentation of the Balenciaga brand, was examined as a remarkable futuristic example with its digital and sustainability vision. To the article using qualitative research method, electronic resources such as research reports of management consultancy companies, reports of brands, official websites of brands, newspapers, magazines, foreign books, articles, and papers are constituting a source. As a result of the research, in the digital applications developed by luxury brands for the multi-channel sales of fashion design products; As their potential target group HENRY, it has been determined that they are focused on Millennium consumers who are "high-income but not rich yet" and Generation Z consumers who will gain purchasing power soon. After all, brands must not only think differently but must behave differently in the era of Digital Darwinism to survive. It has been determined that there is a need for ‘innovation centers’ that will guide the communications and marketing strategies of luxury brands and where the digital transformation of the brand's knowledge and production can be sustained. It is understood that fashion designers and brands who understand the Zeitgeist, can be easily adapted to change, an innovative, socially insightful, sharp intelligence and have a large budget will be able to continue their sales success with multi-channel retailing soon.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 593
Atıf : 3.305
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

IBAD Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi