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Notable representative of the composition school - Adil Babirov
Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education

Our scientific article entitled "A bright representative of the composer school - Adil Babirov" is dedicated to Adil Babirov, a composer who contributed to the history of Azerbaijani music of the 20th century, his work, as well as the study of some of his works. At the beginning of the article, the names of some works of outstanding musical figures of Azerbaijan, exhibited outside our country, are mentioned. On world stages, there are sold out operas and ballets by Kara Karaev and Fikret Amirov. The article presents the works of the composer Adil Babirov. The composer, who lived in exile until the end of his life, composed and created in the national spirit. The mode-intonation form of his songs is built according to the national principle. Almost all of the composer's songs were composed in the mode of mugham. Here the composer uses Segakh, Shura, Shushtar and other mugham modes. The Prelude-Scherzo is a very interesting and unusual work. So this multi-movement piece starts with a heavy adagio tempo, moves into an allegro rhythm, and then returns to a heavy largo tempo again, making a beautiful twist. In the article, musical versions of the work are reproduced in small fragments. The article notes that Adil Babirov is a versatile composer. Thus, the composer turned to film music, pop music, the song genre and Western classical music. His music for films is an invaluable contribution to Azerbaijani culture. And also the composer wrote music for cartoons. In 1976, he wrote the music for the cartoon Claw, Ear, Carpet, Thorn. During the years of emigration, the composer created many works related to Karabakh. His work "Native Land" is an example of this. The music written by the composer for the TV play “Yurd Yeri”, which reflects the real life of people forcibly displaced from the Karabakh land, is one of his last works. It should be noted that what distinguishes the composer from other colleagues is his work with modulations. The article also discusses the composer's life path. The years of his education and the universities where he worked are discussed. It is emphasized here that Adil Babirov, who was a student of the brilliant composer Kara Karaev, was not awarded the honorary titles he deserved to perpetuate his name. The compositional activity of the honored artist Adil Babirov occupies a special place in the musical culture of Azerbaijan. It is noted that, as mentioned in the text, while studying at the Pedagogical Institute, our teacher in his student years was the composer Adil Babirov.

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Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Journal for the Interdisciplinary Art and Education