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 İndirme 10
The effects of Household socioeconomic characteristics on children under 5-years mortality in Afghanistan

Households Socioeconomic conditions in most cases directly affecting the lives of children at the age of under 5-year. Accessibility of Afghan households to improved drinking water, household sanitation, households head characteristic, paternal and maternal occupation, and household children population size are the targets variables which are examined to find the effects of household’s socioeconomic condition on children under 5-year mortality in Afghanistan. In this study, data has extracted from (2015afdh) and logistic regression by calculating the marginal effect was applied to find the effect of explanatory variables on the three dependent variables (neonatal mortality, infant mortality, and under 5-year mortality). The result shows that the neonatal period is more vulnerable rather than infant and under a 5-year age period in Afghanistan. Accessibility of households to clean water and protected toilet decreasing neonatal mortality by (1.6 % and 1.9%), good sanitation decreased infant mortality by 4% and in under 5-mortality by 2.21% respectively. household wealth index, father and mother occupation are strongly affecting the lives of children in all stages of life. A male child is more likely to die in the age of the neonatal period and female in the age of the infant period. In this study, we approached that, households drinking water sources strongly affecting the lives of children under 5-year. Furthermore, protected toilets significantly decreasing the mortality rate of children under 5-year. By improving the household's lives standard and increasing the awareness of household members about the role of hygiene and sanitation the probability of children died at the age of under 5-year significantly will reduce.

Anahtar Kelimeler:


Households Socioeconomic conditions in the most cases directly effecting the lives of children at the age of under 5-year. Accessibility of Afghan households to improved drinking water, household sanitation, households head characteristic, paternal and maternal occupation and household children population size are the targets variables which are examined to find the effects of household’s socioeconomic condition on children under 5-year mortality in afghanistan. In this study data has extracted from (2015afdh) and logistic regression by calculating the marginal effect was applied to find the effect of explanatory variables on the three depend variables (neonatal mortality, infant mortality and under 5-year mortality). The result shows that, the neonatal period is more vulnerable rather than infant and under 5-year age period in Afghanistan. Accessibility of households to clean water and protected toilet decreasing the neonatal mortality by (1.6 % and 1.9%), good sanitation decreased the infant mortality by 4% and in under 5-mortlatiy by 2.21% respectively. household wealth index, father and mother occupation are strongly effecting the lives of children in all stages of live. Male child more likely to die in the age of neonatal period and female in the age of infant period. In this study we approached that, households drinking water sources strongly effecting the lives of children under 5-year. Furthermore, protected toilet significantly decreasing the mortality rate of children under 5-year. By improving the households lives standard and increasing the awareness of household’s members about the role of hygiene and sanitation the probability of children death at the age of under 5-year significantly will reduce.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler


Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 293
Atıf : 1.126
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı