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 Görüntüleme 29
The Effects of Traditional Architecture on Modern Housing: Examples of Cansever, Bektaş and İzgi
Digital international journal of Architecture Art Heritage

Our cultural, social, social, individual and economic identities shape the spaces we live in. In parallel with the developments in the world, our way of life, lifestyle and habits are changing. As a result of these changes, which also affect our living habits and daily actions, our expectations of space also change over time. Housing is one of the places where the individual spends the most time. Especially with the industrial revolution, our changing living habits have significantly affected our housing expectations. In the following years, modernism and globalization movements have led societies all over the world to uniformization. As a result, the production of space has become the same regardless of geography, climatic conditions, and social habits. Although our lifestyles are similar in modern life, each society has practices that have survived to the present day from its cultural repertoire. The lifestyles and living habits of cultures have produced traditional architecture. One answer to our differentiating needs may be the knowledge we have gained from our traditional residential architecture. The spatial fiction, formal and functional features of our traditional housing, and the elements of cultural values embodied in space can be a guide for us. Within the scope of this article, modern dwellings produced by Turkish architects who use the architectural elements of traditional Ottoman-Turkish dwelling in their housing projects will be analyzed. The houses will be analyzed in terms of traditional plan, façade and interior components such as sofa, room, courtyard, garden and overhang. It will be tried to reveal how and to what extent traditional elements are utilized. In conclusion, it will be discussed whether taking inspiration from traditional architecture is meaningful.

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
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Digital international journal of Architecture Art Heritage

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Digital international journal of Architecture Art Heritage