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İvesi Koyunlarında (Ovis aries) Mandibula’nın Morfometrik İncelemesi
Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi

Bu çalışma İvesi koyunlarında mandibula’nın morfometrik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapıldı. Bu amaçla 20 adet (10 erkek, 10 dişi) erişkin İvesi koyunu (Ovis aries) mandibulası kullanıldı. Bir bütün halinde temin edilen kafataslarının maserasyonu yapıldı, kas ve deri diseksiyonları tamamlandı ve temporomandibular bölgenin dezartikülasyonu ile mandibula’ lar çıkarıldı. Mandibula’ lar üzerinde 18 adet doğrusal ölçüm analizleri yapıldı ve tüm veriler ortalama ± standart sapma (SD) olarak ifade edildi. Yapılan incelemelerde dişi ve erkekler arasında GC-MAK (P<0.05) ve CR-PC (P<0.01) parametrelerinde istatistiksel farklılıklar gözlendi. Osteometrik ölçümler arasındaki korelasyon analizleri incelendiğinde veriler arasında P<0.05 ve P<0.01 değerinde istatistiksel önem tespit edildi. Elde edilen biyometrik verilerin hayvan modeli olarak koyun mandibala modellerinin kullanıldığı anatomik, klinik ve taksonomik çalışmalarda referans bilgi kaynağı niteliğinde biyometrik ölçüm ve sınırlar sunacağı düşüncesindeyiz.


The Morphometric Review of Mandibula in Ovis Aries

In this study, a morphometric test of mandible was performed in Awassi sheep. In the study, twenty adult (10 female and 10 male) Awassi sheep (Ovis aries) mandibles were used. The skulls were macerated, muscle and skin dissections were completed and the mandibles were removed by disarticulation of the temporomandibular region, respectively. On the mandible samples, 18 linear measurements were analyzed and all data were expressed as average ± standard deviation (SD). Statistical differences were observed in GC-MAK (P<0.05) and CR-PC (P<0.01) parameters between male and female in the examinations. The correlation analysis on osteometric measurements indicated a statistical significance between P <0.05 and P <0.01. We believe that the obtained biometric data will provide a reference information source for biometric measurements and edges in anatomical, clinical, and taxonomic studies using sheep mandibles as animal models.


Morphometric Evaluation Of The Mandible In The Awassi Sheep (ovis Aries)

In this study, a morphometric test of mandible was performed in Awassi sheep. In the study, twenty adult (10 female and 10 male) Awassi sheep (Ovis aries) mandibles were used. The skulls were macerated, muscle and skin dissections were completed and the mandibles were removed by disarticulation of the temporomandibular region, respectively. On the mandible samples, 18 linear measurements were analyzed and all data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Statistical differences were observed in GC-MAK (P<0.05) and CR-PC (P<0.01) parameters between males and females in the examinations. The correlation analysis on osteometric measurements indicated a statistical significance between P <0.05 and P <0.01. We believe that the obtained biometric data will provide a reference information source for biometric measurements and edges in anatomical, clinical, and taxonomic studies using sheep mandibles as animal models.


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Harran Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi