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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 22
GSI Journals Serie C: Advancements in Information Sciences and Technologies

With the development of computer science in recent years, different software emerged in our lives provide us new methodologies and new concepts in many areas. This developing computer science, put out new methodologies in various fields such as art, engineering sciences, health, social, humanities, economics and architecture. Appearing computer programing and emergence of 2D CAD and 3D software in the field of architecture, has improved many of used methodologies. These new developed methodological systems have been named as Building Information Modeling (BIM). Since BIM methodology is used in nD projects, is not only used in project planning processes, but also can be used in many other subjects like project management, structure sustainability and construction management.The architects have been using BIM systems in their deisgns in more and more efficient ways. These methodologies have been drafting designs into different positions as possibble. The methodology has also been directly related to architectural design and movements, rather than being related only to the field of Architecture. Architectural designs have been varied by the progressive design and by the parametric design, which are developed through the graphical programming languages evolving alongside the BIM that is involved in our lives with today's technologies. Through the BIM, the collaboration among disciplinaries has been increasing and collaboration has been being conducted among all the stakeholders. Several issues that would occur during the construction period are prevented by precaution several confuse that might happen among the several design drawings of the building. This phenomenon have been supported by the cases that are given along the article. In this study, Building Information Modelling Systems; which are gathered in a new methodology that IT sciences earned to the field of Architecture; are investigated through the guidance of the literature sources which is supported by cases.

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GSI Journals Serie C: Advancements in Information Sciences and Technologies

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

GSI Journals Serie C: Advancements in Information Sciences and Technologies