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Ortaokul ��rencilerinin Okuma Al��kanl�klar� ve Tercihleri
İlköğretim Online

Bu ara�t�rman�n amac� ortaokul ��rencilerinin okumaya y�nelik d���ncelerini, alg�lar�n� ve okumay� ger�ekle�tirme bi�imlerini belirlemektir. Betimsel nitelikli ara�t�rman�n kat�l�mc�lar�n� �� farkl� ilde ��renimlerini s�rd�ren 529 ortaokul ��rencisi olu�turmu�tur. Ara�t�rman�n verileri 10 maddeden olu�an bir sormacayla toplanm��t�r. Okumaya ili�kin al��kanl�klar�, uygulamalar� ve tutumlar� yans�tan sormacaya verilen yan�tlar�n y�zde ve frekanslar� belirlenmi�tir. Elde edilen bulgulara g�re, kat�l�mc�lar�n %60,1'inin okumaktan �ok fazla haz ald���, %46'3'�n�n hemen hemen her g�n kitap okudu�u, %57,1'inin yeteri kadar okudu�unu d���nd��� saptanm��t�r. �te yandan, kat�l�mc�lar okumaya y�nelik olumlu tutum bildiren ifadelere y�ksek, olumsuz ifadelere ise d���k kat�l�m bildirmi�lerdir. Okuma ara�lar� bak�m�ndan kat�l�mc�lar�n �o�unlukla f�kra, dergi ve �yk� okudu�u, yaz�nsal t�rler a��s�ndan macera tercih ettikleri saptanm��t�r. Okuman�n tercih edildi�i yerler bak�m�ndan kat�l�mc�lar�n �o�u evde yatak odas�n�, okulda s�n�f� ve kamusal alanda ise seyahat ortamlar�n� okuma alan� olarak g�rm��t�r. Kat�l�mc�lar okuma nedeni bak�m�ndan �o�unlukla okuman�n huzur verici oldu�unu d���nmektedir. Son olarak kat�l�mc�lar daha �ok ��retmenleriyle okumakta ve okuma deneyimleri sonucunda edindiklerini de genellikle arkada�lar�yla payla�maktad�r.


High School Colors Read Al kanl klar and Preferences

This is the purpose of t rman n high school colours to read y what d ncelers, alg lar n and read n ger add to t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t Imaginary quality intert rman n kat l mc lar n different province colors s rd ren 529 high school color olu turmu tour. The data is collected from 10 rpm to 10 rpm to 10 rpm to 10 rpm. To read or kin al kanl klar, the applications and attitudes are given to reflect to ask the side tlar n y zde and the frequencies are determined. The findings obtained g re, kat l mc lar n 60,1 per cent received a lot more pleasure than reading, 46'3 per cent read almost every g n book u, 57,1 per cent read enough one d nd found t r. On the other hand, it is important to note that in the case of a negative statement, a negative statement is a negative statement, and a negative statement is a negative statement. I'm sure I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you, I'm going to see you. Read n was preferred i places see m ndan kat l mc lar n o u home bedroom n , in school s n f and in public area while travel environments n read area g rm t r. It is the reason why I read it and I read it and I read it. Finally, kat l mc are more reading with the flags and they are obtained as a result of reading experiences, and they are often behind and with a share of r.


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