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 Görüntüleme 16
Effects of Mixed Planting on Machine Transplanting Adaptability and Grain Yield of Hybrid Rice

: Because the current hybrid rice machine transplanting sowing quantity is too large and the high rate of missing hills or poor seedling quality during mechanical transplanting, the mechanized planting of hybrid rice is limited, which results in significant hindrance of large-scale planting of hybrid rice in China. In this study, a mixed sowing technology (replacement of a portion of hybrid rice seeds with conventional rice seeds) in seedling cultivation was adopted to determine the appropriate variety combinations and conventional rice sowing quantity using a variety combination experiment and sowing quantity experiments, respectively. The results of the variety combination experiment showed that combinations of Changyou 4 mixed with Nanjing 5055, and Yuanliangyou mixed with Yangdao 6 could reduce the sowing quantity of hybrid rice, improve the quality of machine transplanting, and not reduce the grain yield. The results of the conventional rice sowing quantity experiment showed that with the increase in conventional rice sowing quantity, the seedling quality, spikelet per panicle, and filled kernel percentage decreased, and the mechanical transplanting quality improved. Compared with pure sowing hybrid rice, the grain yield was not significantly different in the japonica rice treatment when the sowing quantity of Nanjing 5055 was more than 75 g/tray and Yangdao 6 was more than 60 g/tray. With the increase in conventional rice sowing quantity, the missing hill rate decreased significantly and the seedling density increased significantly, so that the panicle number was also improved, which might have compensated the reduction in seedling quality, spikelet per panicle, and filled kernel percentage. As a whole, 90 g Nanjing 5055 seeds mixed with 30 g Changyou 4 seeds per tray and 75 g Yangdao 6 seeds mixed with 30 g Yuanliangyou seeds per tray were suitable sowing quantities for mixed planting that could ensure strong seedlings and better mechanical transplanting quality, while reducing the cost (reduce the sowing quantity of hybrid rice and conventional rice) without reducing the grain yield.

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 9.857
Atıf : 6.762
Ziraat, Orman ve Su Ürünleri Temel Alanı
