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Kamuda İnsan Kaynakları ve Performans Yönetimi
Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers Journal

İnsan kaynakları yönetimi örgütlerin kısıtlı kaynaklarını en verimli şekilde kullanabilmesini sağlayan önemli bir yönetsel süreçtir. Kamu yönetiminin örgütlenme yapısı özel sektörlerdekinden daha farklı olduğu için insan kaynakları yönetiminde de özel sektöre göre kendine özgü farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Bu farklılıklar kamu yönetimindeki yapıya sonradan eklemlendiği için uygulamada daha büyük problemlere yol açmaktadır. Önemli bir sorun haline gelen kaynakların etkin yönetilememesine yönelik düzenlemeler, yayınlanan genelgeler ve kamu çalışanlarına yapılan uyarılar amacına ulaşamamaktadır. Bu nedenle kamu yönetiminde insan kaynakları ve performans yönetiminin durumu özel bir önem kazanmakta ve özel sektörden ayrı olarak ele alınmalıdır. Bu çalışmada, Türk kamu yönetimindeki temel sorunlara yönelik genel bir inceleme yapılmış ve özetlenmiştir. Türk kamu sisteminin insan kaynakları yönetiminde karşılaşılan sorunlar, temel olarak insan gücü ve norm kadro planlaması, kamu çalışanlarının eğitimleri, performans yönetimi ve değerlendirmesi, başarı değerleme ve yükseltilme, teşvik ve ödül sistemi olmak üzere 5 başlık altında incelenmiştir. Böylece var olan sorunlara belirli bir çerçevede bakış açısı geliştirilerek çözüme yönelik kolaylaştırıcı olması beklenmektedir. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda, her başlık altındaki problemlerin Türk kamu sistemindeki anlık politika ve tepkiler nedeniyle problemlerin derinleştiği ve sistematikleştiği belirlenmiştir. Bu nedenle çözümlerin de genel bir sistematik çalışma sonunda geliştirilecek sistem modeliyle sağlanabileceği en güçlü önerilerden biri olarak görülmektedir.



Human Resources and Performance Management

Human resource management is an important management process that allows organizations to use their limited resources in the most efficient way. Because the organizational structure of public administration is more different than in private sectors, there are different differences in human resources management according to the private sector. These differences lead to greater problems in the application as they are later added to the structure in the public administration. The regulations on the failure to effectively manage the resources that have become a major problem, the publications and the warnings made to public employees are not able to reach the purpose. Therefore, the state of human resources and performance management in public administration is of particular importance and should be treated separately from the private sector. In this study, a general review of the fundamental problems in the Turkish public administration was made and summarized. The problems faced in the human resources management of the Turkish public system have been studied under 5 headlines, mainly human power and standard staff planning, training of public employees, performance management and evaluation, success assessment and upgrading, encouragement and reward system. Therefore, it is expected to be easier to solve existing problems by developing a specific perspective in a framework. The results of the studies have found that the problems under each title have been deepened and systematized due to the immediate policies and reactions in the Turkish public system. Therefore, solutions are also seen as one of the strongest recommendations that can be provided with a system model that will be developed at the end of a general systematic work.


Human Resources and Performance Management In The Public

Human resource management is an important managerial process that enables organizations to use their limited resources in the most efficient way. Since the organizational structure of the public administration is different from the private sector, there are also distinctive differences in human resources management compared to the private sector. Since these differences are added to the structure in public administration later, they cause bigger problems in practice. Regulations, published circulars and warnings to public employees, which have become an important problem, cannot reach their goals. For this reason, the situation of human resources and performance management in public administration gains special importance and should be handled separately from the private sector. In this study, a general examination of the main problems in Turkish public administration was made and summarized. The problems encountered in the human resources management of the Turkish public system have been examined under 5 headings: manpower and norm staff planning, training of public employees, performance management and evaluation, success evaluation and promotion, incentive and reward system. Thus, it is expected to be a facilitator for the solution by developing a perspective on existing problems in a certain framework. As a result of the examinations, it has been determined that the problems under each heading have deepened and systematized due to the instantaneous policies and reactions in the Turkish public system. For this reason, it is seen as one of the strongest suggestions that solutions can be provided with a system model to be developed at the end of a general systematic study.



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