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 İndirme 1
Semiotics contributions for identification and categorization of women’s social roles in advertising

Abstract The aim of this paper is to present a methodology for identification and categorization of women's social roles in print advertising. Discursive semiotics is the theoretical approach, especially figurativization and thematization aspects of meaning generative process’ discoursive level. We start from a discussion of the social role concept and its relationship with thematic role from semiotics metalanguage. Being advertising one of the mass communication products, the categorization procedure starts with a list of female social roles reiterated in some communicational discourses. Other roles are identified from its emergence in the corpus formed by the semiotics text of analysis. This corpus is composed by about 350 ads from Veja, Exame and Claudia magazines. Operations resulted in the identification of nine social roles: "mother", "wife", "mistress", "professional", "housewife", "hostess", "independent", "mannequin" and "friend”. Downloads Download data is not yet available. Author Biography Adriana Tulio Baggio, UFPR Professora substituta do curso de Comunicação Social. Mestre em Letras (UFPB) e doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica (PUC-SP). References ACERVO Digital Veja. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 6 set. 2016.

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