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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 92
 İndirme 18
Kırk Vezir Hikâyeleri Minyatürleri Üzerine Bir Inceleme
Art-Sanat Dergisi

Bu makale, Kırk Vezir Hikâyeleri isimli bir Osmanlı eserinin minyatürlü iki nüshasını tanıtmakta ve bu iki nüshanın resimlerine ilişkin ikonografik bir değerlendirme sunmaktadır. İlk nüsha tarihsizdir ve bugün İstanbul Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi’nde [İÜ T. 7415] kayıtlıdır. Eser III. Selim’in vakıf mührünü taşımaktadır ve içerisinde on iki minyatür bulunmaktadır. Diğer nüsha İsveç’te Uppsala Üniversitesi Carolina Rediviva Kütüphanesi’nin Türkçe yazma eserleri [UUL Vet. 38] arasındadır. 1586-1587 (H.995) tarihli bu nüshanın kâtibi Muhammed bin Mustafa’dır ve kitapta on yedi minyatür vardır. Nasihatname türündeki Kırk Vezir Hikâyeleri Osmanlı sarayında okunan bir eserdir. Eserin her iki nüshasındaki minyatürler, Osmanlı klasik minyatür üslubundadır ve Nakkaş Osman yolunda çalışan iki sanatçının elinden çıkmıştır. 1580’li yıllara tarihlendirilebilecek İstanbul nüshası ve 1586-1587 tarihli Uppsala nüshasının Sultan III. Murad (1574-1595) döneminde Osmanlı sarayı için hazırlanmış olması ihtimal dâhilindedir. Osmanlı resminde nasihatname türünün örneklerini temsil eden Kırk Vezir Hikâyeleri minyatürleri, bilgeliğin simgesi kırk vezir ve hilebazlığı temsil eden kadın karakterler tarafından anlatılan ve sonu bir nasihatle tamamlanan öyküleri konu etmektedir. Her iki nüshanın tasvirleri, Hz. Musa ile Uç bin Unk’un mücadelesi ve bir Osmanlı Sinbadnâmesi’nde de yer bulan bir minyatür hariç, ikonografik açıdan özgündür. Minyatürler arasında Gazneli Sultan Mahmud ve onun has adamı Ayaz’ı, İşrakî felsefenin temsilcisi Şeyh Sühreverdi-i Maktül’ü ve filozof İbn Sina’yı gösteren sahneler, İslam resmine yeni ikonografya ve imgeler sunmaktadır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A review of the 40 Vezir Stories on Minyatures

This article introduces the two miniatures of an Ottoman work named Thirty Vezir Stories and offers an iconographic assessment of the pictures of these two. The first nüsha is unhistoric and is registered today in the University Library of Istanbul [IU T. 7415]. The Third. The foundation of Salim carries the myth and there are twelve minyatures. The other nüsha in Sweden is the Turkish writing works of the University of Uppsala Carolina Rediviva Library [UUL Vet. 38 is among them. 1586–1587 (H.995) is the title of Muhammad bin Mustafa, and the book contains ten minyatures. The 40 Vezir Stories of the Type of Advisory is a work that is read in the Ottoman Palace. The miniatures in both editions of the work are in the style of the Ottoman classic miniature and have gone out of the hands of two artists working on the Nakkaş Osman road. The Sultan III of Uppsala from 1586 to 1587 and the Sultan III of Istanbul from 1580 to 1580. During the period of Murad (1574-1595) it is likely to be prepared for the Ottoman Palace. The Minyatures of the Thirty Vezir Stories, which represent the examples of the type of counseling in the Ottoman picture, are the subjects of the stories that are described by the female characters that represent the symbol of wisdom and the fiction and which are completed with a final counseling. Both of the images, Hz. The struggle between Moses and Uç-thousand Unk and a miniature that is also located in an Ottoman Sinbadnami is iconographically unique. The scenes showing Gazneli Sultan Mahmud and his special man Ayaz, the representative of the Irakî philosophy Sheikh Sühreverdi-i Maktul and the philosopher Ibn Sina, the Islamic picture offers new iconography and images.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A Study On The Miniatures Of Forty Viziers’ Stories

This article aims to introduce two illustrated copies of an Ottoman manuscript under the title Stories of Forty Viziers. One of these copies is now registered in the Istanbul University Library [IU T. 7415]. It has twelve miniatures and no colophone. The other copy is among the Turkish Manuscripts of Uppsala University’s Carolina Rediviva Library [UUL Vet. 38]. The colophone date is 1586-1587 (H.995) and it has seventeen miniatures. Stories of Forty Viziers was one of the books read in the Ottoman Palace. Although there are studies on the text and copies of the book in the field of Turkish literature, there is no study about the iconographies of the miniatures in them. The miniatures in the two copies of Stories of Forty Viziers are in Ottoman Classical Painting Style. The undated Istanbul manuscript [IU T. 7415] could be estimated to the 1580s and the colophon date of the Uppsala copy of the manuscript of 1586-1587 is already in the culmination of the classical painting style which is the period of Ottoman Sultan Murad III (1574-1595).The painters of the two copies had clearly worked in the way of Nakkash Osman who was the leading painter of Ottoman classical painting. The miniatures of Stories of Forty Viziers represent the Otttoman advice letters iconography and with the exception of two, all the other miniatures are unique iconographically. One of two is about the combat between the prophet Moses and Giant Og and the other is from Ottoman Sinbad-nama. In the miniatures the stories depict the struggle between characters representing wisdom (forty viziers) and deception (wife). Additionally the miniatures about Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni, Ishraqi Philosopher Suhrawardi al-Maqtul and Ibn Sina (Avicenna) represent new images and new iconographies.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler
Art-Sanat Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar; Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 416
Atıf : 684
Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Temel Alanı

Art-Sanat Dergisi