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Türkiye Florası İçin Yeni Kayıt: Erigeron karvinskianus DC. (Asteraceae)
Bağbahçe Bilim Dergisi

Bu çalışmada, potansiyel istilacı bir tür olan Erigeron karvinskianus (Asteraceae) türü Türkiye florası için ilk kez kayıt altına alınmıştır. Meksika, Orta Amerika, Kolombiya ve Venezuela’da doğal olarak yayılış gösteren tür, Türkiye’de ilk kez Antalya’dan tanımlanmıştır. Türün varlığının kanıtlanması için morfolojik ve palinolojik karakterler ölçülmüş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Tüm ölçümlerin minimum, maksimum ve ortalama değerleri ve standart sapmaları istatistiksel olarak hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, türün kapsamlı bir betimlemesi yapılmış ve teşhis anahtarı verilmiştir. Bu kayıtla birlikte Erigeron cinsinin ülkemizdeki takson sayısı 15 olarak güncellenmiştir.


New record for the Flora of Turkey: Erigeron karvinskianus DC. by Asteraceae)

In this study, the Erigeron karvinskianus (Asteraceae) species, a potential invasive species, was for the first time recorded for Turkish flora. The species, which is naturally spread in Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, was first identified in Turkey by Antalya. Morphological and palinological characteristics have been measured and evaluated to prove the existence of the species. The minimum, maximum and average values and standard deviations of all measurements are statistically calculated. Also, a comprehensive description of the species was made and the diagnosis key was given. With this record, the number of taxons of the Erigeron race in our country has been updated to 15.


A New Record For The Flora Of Turkiye: Erigeron Karvinskianus Dc. (asteraceae)

In this study, Erigeron karvinskianus (Asteraceae), a potentially invasive species, was recorded for the first time for Flora of Turkey. The species, which is native to Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Venezuela, was described from Antalya, SW Turkey. Morphological and palynological traits were measured and evaluated to support the presence of this species. Minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation values of characters were calculated statistically. In addition, a comprehensive description of the species and its diagnostic key were made. With this record, the number of taxa of the Erigeron genus in our country has been updated to 15.

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Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 149
Cite : 88
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