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Osmanlı Devleti’nde Askerî İstihbarat (1864-1914)
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Askerî istihbaratın Avrupa’da temelleri 19. yüzyılda atılmıştır. Prusya askerî istihbarat yapılanmasını hayata geçiren ilk devlettir. Osmanlı Devleti’nde dış askerî istihbarat alanında ilk ataşemiliter ataması 1864 yılında Paris sefareti hizmetine olmuştur. Dış istihbaratta ataşemiliterlerin yanında zamanla ataşenevaller ve şehbenderler de görev almıştır. Ataşemiliterler için ilk talimatname 1883 yılından itibaren Osmanlı Ordusu’nda umum müfettişi olarak görev alan Alman General von der Goltz Paşa tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Osmanlı Devleti’ne ataşemiliterler tarafından en fazla dış istihbarat raporu Rusya ve Bulgaristan Emareti için gönderilmiştir. Osmanlı dış istihbaratı 1877-78 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı, Balkan Savaşları ve Trablusgarp Savaşı öncesinde raporlar göndermiştir. Avrupa ülkeleri ordu ve donanmalarının, silah ve mühimmat gelişimleri ile sahip oldukları teknolojiler de dış askerî istihbarat tarafından yakından takip edilmiştir.


Military Intelligence in the Ottoman State (1864-1914)

The foundations of military intelligence in Europe were set in the 19th century. Prussia is the first country to implement military intelligence. The first Atashemiliter appointment in the Ottoman State in the field of foreign military intelligence was in 1864 to the service of the Paris Sefareti. In the fields of public information, the members of the department and the members of the department and the members of the department and the members of the department and the members of the The first instructions for the Athemilians were prepared by German General von der Goltz Pasha, who served as general inspector in the Ottoman Army since 1883. The Ottoman State has been sent to the Russian and Bulgarian Emirates a number of foreign intelligence reports by the Atashemilians. The Ottoman foreign intelligence submitted reports before the 1877–78 Ottoman-Russian War, the Balkan Wars and the Trablusgarp War. The technologies that the European countries have with their armies and navals, arms and munitions developments are also closely traced by external military intelligence.


Military Intelligence In The Ottoman State (1864-1914)

The European military intelligence was founded in the 19th century. Prussia was the first state to introduce the organization of military intelligence. The first military attaché for foreign military intelligence in the Ottoman State was appointed in 1864 to the Embassy of Paris. Apart from the military attachés, naval attachés and consuls were also employed – in the course of time - in the foreign intelligence. The first regulation for military attachés was prepared by German General von der Goltz Pasha, who started office as general inspector in the Ottoman Army in 1883. The most foreign intelligence reports sent by the military attachés in the Ottoman State were aboutthe Amirates of Russia and Bulgaria. Also, the Ottoman Foreign Intelligence sent reports prior to the 1877-78 Ottoman-Russian War, the Balkan Wars and the Turco-Italian War. The developments in weapons and ammunition as well as in the technologies of the armies and navies of the European countries were observed closely by the foreign military intelligence.


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