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  Citation Number 3
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Havayolu İşletmelerinde Birim Maliyet ile Fiyatlandırma Yaparak Sadık Müşteri Yaratma: İş Amaçlı Seyahat Eden Yolculara Yönelik Bir Strateji Önerisi
ODU Journal of Social Sciences Research

Kârlılıklarını arttırmaya çalışan havayolu işletmeleri maliyetlerini kontrol altında tutmaya çalışırken, gelirlerini arttırmayı hedeflemektedir. Havayolu işletmeleri yolcu sayısını arttırmak için mevcut müşterileri ve yeni kazanılan müşterileri sadık müşteri haline getirmeye çabalamaktadır. Bu çalışmada havayolu işletmelerinin uçuş bazında koltuk başına birim maliyetinin belirlenmesi ve hedef kâr oranının eklenerek oluşturulan satış fiyatı ile bilet satışı yapması ve satılan koltuk sayısı arttıkça düşen birim maliyet farkının sadakat programları aracılığı ile yolcuya iade edilmesine yönelik bir öneri geliştirmek amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada öncelikle literatür taraması yapılarak, benzer çalışmalar incelenmiş ve teorik çerçeve çizilmiştir. Uygulama kısmında bir havayolu işletmesinin iki destinasyon arasındaki seferinin maliyetleri varsayım olarak ele alınarak, bilet fiyatları üzerindeki etkileri gösterilmiştir. Yapılan değerlendirmeler ile birim maliyet üzerinden havayolu kârlılığını garantilemenin yanı sıra sadık müşteri profili yaratmanın mümkün olabileceği sonucuna varılarak, havayolu işletmelerine bir strateji önerisinde bulunulmuştur. Önerilen stratejinin, kurumsal işletmelerde çalışarak iş amaçlı olarak sürekli seyahat eden yolcular için daha uygun olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Havayolu işletmelerinin bilet fiyatlarını hesaplamada kullandıkları yöntemler ve belirledikleri tarifeler çalışma kapsamına alınmamıştır. Stratejinin, havayolu işletmesi fiyat ve sadık müşteri politikalarına uyarlanarak, uygulanabilir olduğunun test edilmesi gerekmektedir.


Creating loyal customers by making price by unit cost in airline companies: a strategy for business travelers

While the airlines are trying to increase their profitability, they aim to increase their revenue while trying to keep their costs under control. Airline companies are trying to make existing customers and newly acquired customers loyal customers to increase the number of passengers. The aim of this study is to develop a proposal for airlines to determine the unit cost per seat on the flight basis and to sell tickets with the sales price created by adding the target profit rate and to return the unit cost difference that falls by increasing the number of seats sold through loyalty programs to the passenger. In the study first, the scan of literature was done, similar studies were studied and theoretical framework was drawn. In the application section, the cost of a airline's flight between two destinations is considered as an assumption, and the impact on the ticket prices is shown. The assessments made and the conclusion that it is possible to guarantee the profitability of the airline through the unit cost as well as to create a loyal customer profile, a strategy proposed to the airline companies was made. It has been determined that the proposed strategy may be more suitable for passengers who travel constantly for business purposes by working in corporate enterprises. The methods and tariffs used by airlines in the calculation of tickets are not included in the work scope. It is necessary to test that the strategy is applicable, adapting to the price and loyal customer policies of the airline.



Airline companies trying to increase their profitability aim to increase their revenues while trying to keep their costs under control. Airlines are striving to turn existing customers and newly acquired customers into loyal customers in order to increase the number of passengers. In this study, it is aimed to develop a proposal for airline companies to determine the unit cost per seat on a flight basis and to sell tickets with the sales price created by adding the target profit rate, and to return the unit cost difference to the passenger through loyalty programs. In the study, firstly the literature was searched, similar studies were examined and the theoretical framework was drawn. In the application part, the costs of an airline flight between two destinations are considered as hypothetical and the effects on ticket prices are shown. Based on the evaluations made, it is concluded that it is possible to create a loyal customer profile as well as guarantee airline profitability over unit cost, and a strategy proposal was made to airline companies. It was determined that the proposed strategy would be more suitable for passengers who work in corporate businesses and travel continuously for business purposes. The methods and standards used by airline companies to calculate ticket prices are not included in the study. The strategy needs to be tested for its applicability by adapting it to airline pricing and loyal customer policies.


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