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Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control

Abstract The problem of accuracy increase of MATLAB and Arduino interaction when cyber-physical systems designing by making changes into the implementation of the standard protocol of Arduino has been solved. It has been proposed to carry out the analog-digital conversion of all required analog pins with further sequential data transmission to MATLAB when requesting to read data from the first analog pin of Arduino. It allows improving control quality of dynamic processes by reducing the uncertainty range of a high-speed multi-dimensional control system state. In addition, it has been offered to perform the preprocessing of sensors data by means of Arduino that increases the flexibility of cyberphysical systems due to the possibility of the hardware changing without MATLAB software and protocol changing. A formal description of MATLAB and Arduino interaction allows realizing the communications protocol using wireless interfaces as well as microprocessor units and platforms, which are not compatible with Arduino. References Sangiovanni-Vincentelli A. Taming Dr. Frankenstein: Contract-Based Design for Cyber-Physical Systems / A. Sangiovanni Vincentelli, W. Damm, R. Passerone // European Journal of Control. – 2012. – Vol. 18, № 3. – P. 217–238. DOI:10.3166/ejc.18.217-238. 2. Черняк Л. Киберфизические системы на старте / Л. Черняк // Открытые системы. СУБД. – 2014. – № 02 (198) – С. 10–13. 3. Park Kyung-Joon Cyber-physical systems: Milestones and research challenges / Kyung-Joon Park, Rong Zheng, Xue Liu // Computer Communications – 2012. – № 36. – P. 1–7. DOI 10.1016/j.comcom.2012.09.006. 4. Introduction to Embedded Systems – A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach / E. A. Lee and S. A. Seshia. Second Edition. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:, 2015. 5. Jensen J. C. A model-based design methodology for cyber-physical systems / J. C. Jensen, D. H. Chang, E. A. Lee // Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC): 7th International conference, Istanbul, 4–8 July 2011: proceedings. – IEEE, 2011. – P. 1666–1671. DOI: 10.1109 IWCMC.2011.5982785. 6. Модельно-ориентированное проектирование программного обеспечения для встраиваемых систем в среде Matlab/Simulink / [Г. К. Топораш, А. В. Мазур, Д. А. Ковальчук, А. А. Пушкин] // Автоматизація технологічних і бізнес-процесів. – 2014. – Т. 17, № 17. – C. 26–29. 7. Практические стратегии для перехода на модельно-ориентированное проектирование встроенных приложений / [Д. Венси, Д. Эрик, К. Ларри, Р. Винод] // Компоненты и технологии. – 2011. – Т. 10, №. 123. – C. 172–180. 8. Arduino Support from MATLAB [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: html. 9. Al-Busaidi A. M. Development of an educational environment for online control of a biped robot using MATLAB and Arduino / A. M. Al-Busaidi // Mechatronics: 9th France-Japan & 7th Europe-Asia Congress on and Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM), 21–23 Nov. 2012, 13th Int’l Workshop on. – IEEE, 2012. – P. 337–344. DOI: 10.1109/MECATRONICS.2012.6451030. 10. Barber R. Control Practices using Simulink with Arduino as Low Cost Hardware / R. Barber, M. Horra. J. Crespo. // The 10th IFAC Symposium Advances in Control Education, August 28-30, 2013:proceedings. – University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 2013. – P. 250–255. DOI: 10.3182/20130828-3-UK-2039.00061. 11. D’Ausilio A. Arduino: A low-cost multipurpose lab equipment / Alessandro D’Ausilio // Behavior Research Methods. – 2012. – Vol. 44, Issue 2. – P. 305–313. DOI 10.3758/s13428-011-0163-z 12. Online Performance Optimization of a DC Motor Driving a Variable Pitch Propeller / [R. Cohen, D. Miculescu, K. Reilley and other] // arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.0133. – 2013. 13. Bawa D. Fuzzy control based solar tracker using Arduino Uno / D. Bawa, C.Y. Patil // International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT). – 2013. – Vol. 2, Issue 12. – P. 179–187.


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Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control

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Radio Electronics, Computer Science, Control