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 İndirme 2
El Yerleşimli Tendon Kılıfı Dev Hücreli Tümör: 35 Hastanın Değerlendirilmesi
Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine

Giant-cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath of Hand; Evaluation of 35 Patient We have retrospectively evaluated tendon sheath giant cell tumors regarding their complications at the time of diagnosis, during treatment period and at postoperative period. We have performed surgery to 35 patients for their tendon sheath giant cell tumors localized in their hands [20 females, 15 males, mean age was 46.6 (17-72)]. Localization of the tumor was on the right hand side in 21 of the cases and on the left in 14 of the cases. Mean follow up time was 3.1 years (8 months-9.4 years). Most common complaints of the patients was a painless soft tissue mass. They were mostly on the volar side (%72) and on index finger (%25) and they were frequently found to be localized at the proximal phalanx (%51). The duration of the symptoms was between 3 months and 2.5 years. Bony involvement was found in 2 cases. At the postoperative period we have found digital nerve injury in 5 of the cases, superficial skin infection in 3 of the cases. We have found recurrence in 12 of the cases (%34.2) in a mean time of 2.8 years and joint stiffness was found in 8 of the cases. Tendon sheath giant cell tumors have high recurrence rates so surgery should be performed meticulously in a wide surgical field and magnifying glasses should be worn. Eldeki tendon kılıflarında gelişen tendon kılıfı dev hücreli tümörleri tanı, tedavi ve ameliyat sonrası dönemde oluşan komplikasyonlar açısından retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. On beş yıllık bir dönem içinde, el yerleşimli tendon kılıfı dev hücreli tümör nedeniyle 35 hastaya [20 kadın, 15 erkek, ortalama yaş 46,6 yıl (17-72)] Ondokuzmayıs Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji AD tarafınca cerrahi uygulandı. Lezyonların hepsi el yerleşimliydi. Tutulum 21 olguda sağ, 14 olguda sol tarafta idi. Ortalama izlem süresi 3.1 yıl (8 ay- 9,4 yıl) idi.Hastalarınsık başvuru nedeni ağrısız yumuşak doku kitlesi idi. Olguların çoğunda (%71,4) tümör volar bölgeden kaynaklanmıştı. Tümör sıklıkla işaret parmağında (%25,7), ve proksimal falanks düzeyinde (%51,4) gelişmişti. Bulguların süresi 3 ay ile 2,5 yıl arasında değişmekteydi. 2 olguda kemik tutulumu gözlendi. Ameliyat sonrası dönemde 5 olguda digital sinir hasarı, 3 olguda yüzeyel enfeksiyon, 8 olguda eklem sertliği gelişti. 12 hastada (%34,3) ortalama 2,8 yıl içinde (2 ay -5 yıl) nüks oldu.Tendon kılıfının dev hücreli tümörlerinde yüksek nüks oranı göz önüne alınarak, geniş cerrahi sahada titiz bir cerrahi uygulanmalı ve büyütücü gözlüklerden yararlanılmalıdır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Hand-in-held Tendon Cluster Giant Cell Tumor: 35 Patient Evaluation

Giant-cell Tumor of Tendon Sheath of Hand; Evaluation of 35 Patients We have retrospectively evaluated tendon sheath giant cell tumors regarding their complications at the time of diagnosis, during the treatment period and at the postoperative period. We have performed surgery to 35 patients for their tendon sheath giant cell tumors localized in their hands [20 females, 15 males, average age was 46.6 (17-72)]. Localization of the tumor was on the right hand side in 21 of the cases and on the left in 14 of the cases. Mean follow up time was 3.1 years (8 months-9.4 years). Most common complaints of the patients were a painless soft tissue mass. They were mostly on the volar side (%72) and on index finger (%25) and they were frequently found to be localized at the proximal phalanx (%51). The duration of the symptoms was between 3 months and 2.5 years. Bony involvement was found in 2 cases. At the postoperative period we have found digital nerve injury in 5 of the cases, superficial skin infection in 3 of the cases. We have found recurrence in 12 of the cases (34.2%) in an average time of 2.8 years and joint stiffness was found in 8 of the cases. Tendon sheath giant cell tumors have high recurrence rates so surgery should be performed meticulously in a wide surgical field and magnifying glasses should be worn. The tumors of the tendon cells that develop in the tendon cells in the hands were considered retrospective in terms of complications occurring in the diagnosis, treatment and postoperative period. Over a period of fifteen years, 35 patients [20 women, 15 men, an average age of 46,6 years (17-72)] were subjected to surgery by the University of Ondokuzmayıs Medical Faculty of Orthopedics and Traumatology AD. All of the wounds were hand-sized. The position was on the right side in 21 cases and on the left side in 14 cases. The average observation period was 3.1 years (8 months - 9.4 years).The cause of frequent application of patients was painless soft tissue mass. In most cases (71.4%) the tumor was caused from the volar area. The tumor was often developed in the sign finger (25.7%) and at the proximal falanks level (51.4%) . The duration of the findings varied from 3 months to 2.5 years. In two cases, a bone marrow was observed. In the postoperative period, 5 cases of digital nerve damage, 3 cases of surface infection, 8 cases of joint hardness developed. In 12 patients (34.3%), the average period of 2.8 years (2 months - 5 years) was nickel.Given the high rate of nickel in giant cell tumors of the tendon shell, a rigorous surgery should be applied in the broad surgical field and extender glasses should be used.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.457
Atıf : 918
Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine