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 Görüntüleme 21
Exploring factors contributing to unplanned pregnancies among students at higher education institution in South Africa
International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science

Abstract Unplanned pregnancies among female undergraduate & postgraduate students at higher education institution pose severe public health issue in South Africa (SA) and are also linked to bad health and social consequences that have a detrimental influence on academic advancement and future employment opportunities. The number of unplanned pregnancies among students at higher education institutions continues to rise, despite the government introduction of contraceptives and other preventative methods. Thus, the objective of this study was aimed at explore factors that contribute to unplanned pregnancies among students in higher institution of learning The study adopted non-empirical research, in which existing literature on factors that contributes to unplanned pregnancies among students in higher education institutions. This paper is solely based on a review and analysis of published research and data. The findings of this study indicate that peer pressure, contraceptive uptake, and substance abuse contribute to unplanned pregnancies among students at higher education institution. Peer pressure and inconsistent contraceptive usage are the two interdependent factors that significantly impact unplanned pregnancies at higher education institutions. However, it seems that the lack of sexual knowledge makes these problems worse. The paper notes factors such as peer pressure, contraceptive uptake, and substance abuse that contribute to unplanned pregnancies among students at higher education institutions. The paper recommends adopting policies that emphasize sexual abstinence or the use of contraceptives inclusive of condoms and the government to introduce a long-term injectable contraceptive.

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science