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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 73
 İndirme 11
Juan-juanların çöküşü ve dağılışı
Türkoloji Dergisi

Juan-Juans, the descendants of Mongol Donghus, are established a state by uniting some nomadic tribes between 4th-6th centuries. After Anaguey ascended the throne in 520, the indication of decline emerged because of inner conflict and aggression of neighboring states. The collapse of Juan-Juan state is accepted as one of the major event of Inner Asia. The major factors of collapse of Juan-Juan state are inner conflict and the aggression of Turkic state and Northern Tshi dynasty. Most of the Juan-Juan population was subjected to newly established Turkic state. Also Juan-Juans fused in small fractions to other Mongol and Turkic tribes like Khitan, Shi-wei, Hi and Uyghur. We consider that they are mentioned as Otuz Tatars and Tokuz Tatar in the Orkun inscription. Also we consider that the ones who escaped to Shi-wei lands are Meng-wu Shi-weis. After Juan-Juan state collapsed, the Juan-Juan name was disappeared. This situation indicates that Juan-Juan name was only name of political alliance or state name

Anahtar Kelimeler:

collapse of juanjuans and scatter

juanjuans the descendants of mongol donghus are established a state by uniting some nomadic tribes between 4th century after anaguey ascended the throne in 520 of decline because of internal conflict and aggression of neighboring states of the crash of juanjuan state is accepted as one of the major event of ınner asia the major factors of collapse of juanjuan state are in inner conflict and the aggression of turkic state and shishijuan in the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the name of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the young people of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the country of the latvian country of the latvian people of the country of the country of view of the country of the country was born of the

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Türkoloji Dergisi

Alan :   Filoloji

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 224
Atıf : 584
Türkoloji Dergisi