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Merhum Hocamız Prof. Dr. Hasan Onat
Hitit İlahiyat Dergisi

1957 yılında Çankırı'da dünyaya gelen Prof. Dr. Hasan Onat, burada ilkokul tahsilini tamamladıktan sonra ortaokul ve liseyi parasız yatılı olarak Yozgat'ta bitirdi. 1979 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu ve burada İslâm Mezhepleri Tarihi asistanlığına başladı. 17 Ağustos 1999-16 Ağustos 2002 tarihleri arasında Gazi Üniversitesi Çorum İlahiyat Fakültesi Dekanlığı yaptı. Uzun süredir görev yaptığı Ankara Üniversitesi İlâhiyat Fakültesi'nde çalışmalarına devam ederken, maruz kaldığı Covid 19 salgını nedeniyle 27.09.2020 tarihinde Hakk’ın rahmetine kavuştu. Hasan Onat ismi anıldığında ilk aklımıza gelen konular İslâm ortak paydası, geleneği çok iyi anlamak, insan olmayı merkeze koymak, bilgi çağını anlamaya çalışmak, farklılıkları zenginlik olarak değerlendirmek, değişimi anlamak, fikir-hadise irtibatı, akıl-vahiy birlikteliği, din-bilim ilişkisi ve modern Batı düşüncesini anlamak gibi hususlardır. Ayrıca sık sık dinin bireysel kurtuluşa vurgu yaptığını belirtir ve Müslüman toplumun ancak bireyi güçlendirerek kalkınabileceğini düşünürdü. İslâm ümmetinin geleceğinden umutluydu. Fakat gelgitler zaman zaman onun umutlarını da sarsmaktaydı. Buna rağmen Cenabı Hakk’ın kendisine bahşetmiş olduğu insanlık onurunu koruma adına çalışmalarını ve mücadelesini hiçbir zaman aksatmamıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Our dead teacher Prof. Dr. Hasan Onat

Professor Dr. Hasan Onat, who was born in Chankırı in 1957, finished secondary school and high school in Yozgat after completing the primary school fees. In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ankara and started as the Historical Assistant of the Islamic Mezhepleri. From 17 August 1999 to 16 August 2002 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Chorum Theology at the University of Gazi. While he continued his work at the University of Ankara's Faculty of Religion for a long time, he received the mercy of Hakk on 27.09.2020 due to the Covid 19 epidemic he was exposed. The topics that come to our mind when mentioned the name Hasan Onat are: the common part of Islam, the understanding of the tradition very well, the focus of being a human, the attempt to understand the age of knowledge, the assessment of differences as wealth, the understanding of change, the idea-hadise connection, the mind-science unity, the religious-science relationship and the understanding of modern Western thought. He also often pointed out that the religion emphasized individual liberation and believed that the Muslim society could only develop by strengthening the individual. Islam was hoping for the future of the people. But sometimes his hopes were shattered. However, he never stopped his work and struggle for the protection of the dignity of mankind which he gave him.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Obituary: Late Professor Hasan Onat

Dr. Hasan Onat, who was born in 1957 in Çankiri, Turkey, after his primary education therein, got his secondary and high school degrees from the boarding school in Yozgat. He graduated from Divinity School of Ankara University in 1979 and started to work here as an assistant in the department of History of Islamic Sects. Between 17 August 1999 and 16 August 2020 he held the dean’s office in Çorum Divinity School of Gazi University. As he was continuing his studies in Divinity School of Ankara University where he had held a position for a long time, he passed away on September, 27, 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic to which he was exposed. The first issues that come to mind when the name of Hasan Onat is mentioned; The common denominator of Islam is to understand tradition very well, to put being human at the center, to try to understand the information age, to consider differences as wealth, to understand change, to understand the relationship between ideas and events, the relationship of mind and revelation, the relationship between religion and science, and to understand modern Western thought. He also often stated that religion emphasized individual liberation and thought that Muslim society could only develop by empowering the individual. He was hopeful about the future of the Islamic ummah. But the tides were also shaking his hopes from time to time. Despite this, he never hesitated to work and struggle in the name of protecting the human dignity bestowed upon him by God Almighty.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
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Hitit İlahiyat Dergisi

Alan :   İlahiyat

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 659
Atıf : 1.848
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Hitit İlahiyat Dergisi