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Investigating Military Effectiveness of India and Pakistan through Clausewitzian Lens
International Review of Social Sciences (IRSS)

States have utilized their military power as a viable foreign policy tool for many centuries; in modern times, although the number of direct wars is decreasing, military power remains a worthwhile instrument of foreign policy. The Clausewitzian concept relating to the use of force as the ultimate tool of international relations remains relevant nearly 200 years after the Prussian military theorist’s death. This begs the inquiry of measuring military effectiveness. Mapping military effectiveness demands comparison as the yardstick, which in turn raises the question of effectiveness against whom? This study attempts to compare the military effectiveness of India and Pakistan who have engaged one another militarily numerous times in the past 73 years. Both are heavily populous developing countries yet both belong to the exclusive nuclear club which makes even more relevant the significance of comparing their respective military effectiveness. Various studies suggest that India has the potential to be more militarily effective owing to its greater military establishment and budget. Nevertheless, the outcome of recent conflicts and skirmishes tell a different tale. The current study uses Clausewitz’s concept of three levels of warfare to draw a comparison framework between: 2015-2020. The findings of the study reveal that, although Pakistan’s military is half the size of its Indian counterpart and receives one eighth of the financing compared with India. However, the latter is found to lack in military effectiveness in comparison with Pakistan.


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International Review of Social Sciences (IRSS)

Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Güzel Sanatlar; Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 761
Cite : 54
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International Review of Social Sciences (IRSS)