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 İndirme 8
Correlation Between Isokinetic Muscle Strength And Balance And Anaerobic Power Parameters In Wrestlers 14-15 Years Of Age
The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science

This study aims to examine the relation between isokinetic muscular strength, and balance and anaerobic power parameters in wrestlers aged 14-15. 23 wrestlers from Ordu province volunteered to be involved in this study (age=14.78±0.42 age, body weight=62.12±15.31 kg, height=167.39±8.31 cm). The athletes’ body weights were measured with a body composition analyzer, and their heights were measured with the use of a stadiometer. Isokinetic strength measurements were done with an isokinetic dynamometer, anaerobic power and capacity were measured with a cycle ergometer, and balance was measured with an isokinetic balance device. The analysis of the data gathered in this study was conducted with a statistical package program. The normality distribution of the data was ensured with the Shapiro Wilk test, the relation between dependent and independent variables determined to have a normal distribution were analyzed with the Pearson correlation (r) analysis, and the significance value was determined to be p<0.05. While no significant correlation could be identified between the athletes’ isokinetic strength levels and their static balance levels with the eyes open and shut (p>0.05), a highly significant correlation could be observed between dynamic balance values and isokinetic strength values (p<0.001). Additionally, while a positive significant relation could be detected between isokinetic right-hand side 60°/s strength values and anaerobic power and capacity values (p<0.05) and right-hand side 120°/s and 180°/s strength values and anaerobic power, no significant correlation could be detected with anaerobic capacity and 120°/s and 180°/s strength values (p>0.05). No significant correlation could be found between left-hand side 60°/s, 120°/s and 180°/s strength values and anaerobic power and capacity values (p>0.05). Some significant correlations could be identified between isokinetic strength levels and some balance and anaerobic power parameters in wrestlers aged 14-15. Keywords: Wrestling, isokinetic strength, balance, anaerobic power

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Benzer Makaleler

The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science

Alan :   Spor Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 57
Atıf : 34
Spor Bilimleri Temel Alanı

The Journal of International Anatolia Sport Science