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 Görüntüleme 56
 İndirme 5
Dynamics Between Virtual Teaching And Effective Knowledge Process For Hotel Management Students During Covid19 Pandemic
İlköğretim Online

In the year 2020, Pandemic COVID-19, a novel coronavirus disease, halted and seized the operations of all the industries and educational institutions on a global level. During the lockdown, educational setups looked for an alternative to offline classes. As a result, children and young adults of schools and colleges switched over to an online teaching setup, regardless of its nomenclature of recreational or practical courses. The adoption of the online teaching method led the researcher to write this paper to examine students' perception and preference towards the offline and online classes teachings.. A close-ended questionnaire was distributed via Google forms to the students of various hotel management institutes across the nation to have a country-wide inclusion to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on online education in India. The survey focussed on judging the effectiveness of online learning as a substitute for a skill-based course in hotel. This study analyzed online studying from a student perspective to track the positivity and negativity of online education. This research paper intends to determine student satisfaction while attending online classes in a practical skill-based course like hotel.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

İlköğretim Online

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 6.985
Atıf : 20.625
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

İlköğretim Online