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Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

Erzincan’ın 8 ilçesinden en batıda yer alan Refahiye, ilk çağlardan günümüze birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış, kültürel ve tarihi dokusu ile önemli bir yerleşim yeridir. Bu tarihi ve kültürel zenginliğin yöreye ait olan türkülere yansıması incelendiğinde, coğrafi konumu açısından ana ulaşım hattı üzerinde yer alan Refahiye’nin tarih boyunca maruz kaldığı göç erozyonu neticesinde kalıcı halk kültürü öğelerinden olan türkülerin yeterince kayıt altına alınamadığı görülmektedir. Türküler, ait olduğu yöre ile ilgili bilgiler veren, yaşanmışlıkları anlatan, tarihi ve kültürel yapıyı kuşaktan kuşağa aktarmada rol oynayan önemli yapı taşlarıdır. Ülkemizin her yöresinde türküler, farklı özellik ve karaktere sahiptir. Bu çalışmada Refahiye türkülerinin makamları, usulleri ve konuları analiz edilerek incelenmiştir. Araştırmada incelenen türküler TRT Türk Halk Müziği repertuvarı içerisinden tarama yolu ve yöre sakinleri ile yapılan görüşmelerin analiz edilmesi ile tespit edilmiştir. Ancak TRT Türk Halk Müziği repertuvarı içerisinde yer almayan, düğünlerde, köy derneklerinin toplantılarında, saya gecelerinde, köy odalarında yapılan soba başı sohbetlerinde dilden dile söylenegelen Refahiye yöresine ait türküler de bulunmaktadır. 



Refahiye, located in the west of the 8 districts of Erzincan, is an important settlement with its cultural and historical textures, which has hosted many civilizations from the early ages to the present day. When this historical and cultural wealth is examined to reflect the Turks belonging to the site, it is apparent that Turks from permanent public culture elements, due to the migration erosion that Refahiye was exposed throughout the history, located on the main transportation line in terms of its geographical location, cannot be sufficiently recorded. The Turkular are important structural stones that give information about the place to which they belong, tell the events, and play a role in transmitting the historical and cultural structure from generation to generation. Turks in every part of our country have different characteristics and characteristics. In this study, the authorities, procedures and subjects of the Refahiye Turks have been analyzed. The Turkish people studied in the research was identified through the screening path and the analysis of the conversations with the local residents from the TRT Turkish People's Music repertoire. But there are also Turkish people who are not included in the TRT Turkish People's Music repertoire, in the weddings, in the meetings of the village associations, in the nighttime, in the village rooms, in the soba-head conversations that are spoken from the language to the region of Refahiye.

Analysis Of Refahi̇ye Songs In Terms Of Various Factors

Refahiye, which is located in the westernmost of the 8 districts of Erzincan, has been home to many civilizations since ancient times and is an important settlement with its cultural and historical texture. When the reflection of this historical and cultural richness to the folk songs of the region is examined, it is seen that the folk songs which are among the permanent folk culture elements could not have been  recorded sufficiently as a result of the migration erosion which Refahiye has been subjected to throughout the history in terms of its geographical location. Folk songs are important building blocks that give information about the region to which they belong, tell the experiences and play a role in transferring the historical and cultural structure from generation to generation.  Folk songs in every region of our country have different properties and character. In this study; The tunes,systems and subjects of Refahiye folk songs were analyzed and examined. The folk songs examined in the research were determined by scanning the TRT Turkish Folk Music repertoire and analyzing the interviews with local residents. However, there are also folk songs belonging to the Refahiye region which are not included in the TRT Turkish Folk Music repertoire, which are sang in weddings, meetings of village associations, saya nights, and chambers in village rooms.

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Article : 425
Cite : 1.399
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Basic Field of Theology

Erzincan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi