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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 43
 İndirme 4
Development of signal converter of thermal sensors based on combination of thermal and capacity research methods
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

The problem of functional integration of thermal and capacity research methods, which provides the possibility of realizing a new generation of analog front­end of the Internet of Things in the areas of materials science, biophysics and medicine, is solved. Functional integration means the possibility of the use of the same structure for its controlled heating and temperature measurement. For this purpose, instead of discrete resistive heaters and temperature sensors, transistor structures are proposed. This helps to minimize the sizes of measurement transducers, and so the spatial resolution of the transducers­based sensors of thermal analysis. The concept of constructing the functionally integrated thermal sensors based on the transistor structures and capacitive signal transducers is developed. The novelty of the proposed sensors of thermal analysis, in addition to measurement of temperature and amount of thermo­energy emitted and absorbed in the object of research, is the possibility of measuring the electrical capacity. This possibility could be particularly assured by the measurement of temperature deformation of a research object or a console that is bent under the effect of the object. The new solution of the control scheme of the transistor transformers that support the pulse managed heating and forming the informative signal of the temperature of transistor is proposed. The high precision Analog Devices AD7747 24­bit converter is taken as the basis of the capacitive signal transducer. The developed transducer provides the managed heating of research objects and is characterized by the high values of temperature resolution (not worse than 0.01 oC) and electrical capacity (not worse than 10–16 aF) measurement. Author Biographies Oksana Boyko, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Pekarska str., 69, Lviv, Ukraine, 79010 PhD, Associate Professor Department of Medical Informatics

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Benzer Makaleler

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Alan :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 4.764
Atıf : 4.497
Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Temel Alanı

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies