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Vakanüvis Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi'nin Tarihçiliği ve Kaynakları Kullanma Usulü
İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi

Özet Osmanlı tarihi kaynakları arasında devletin resmî tarihçisi sıfatıyla vakanüvislerin yazdıkları tarihler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bazı açılardan tenkitlere konu olsalar da bu kaynaklara müracaat etmeden yapılacak çalışmalar eksik kalacaktır. Zira vakanüvisler sadece yaşadıkları dönemin olaylarını kaleme almakla kalmamışlar, kesintisiz bir tarih oluşturmak için kendilerinden önce yazılmamış dönemin olaylarını da kaleme almışlardır. Osmanlı devletinde ilk olarak XVIII. asrın başlarından itibaren resmî vekâyinâme yazıcılığı Nâimâ Mustafa Efendi (ö. 1128/1716) ile başlamış, saltanatın sonuna kadar devam etmiştir. Başlangıcından sona erdiği tarihe kadar birçok büyük tarihçi bu görevde bulunmuş ve çok değerli eserler meydana getirmişlerdir. Bu müverrihler arasında Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr ve Hakāiku'l-Ahbâr adıyla bir eser telif etmiş olan Ahmed Vâsıf, seçkin bir yere sahiptir. Ahmed Vâsıf on beş yılı bulan vakanüvislik görevinin de kazandırdığı tecrübeyle kendisine has üslûbu ve tarih anlayışıyla Osmanlı devletinin 1166-1219/1752-1804-05 yıllarını kapsayan yaklaşık elli üç yıllık tarihini yazmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Vâsıf'ın tarih anlayışı üslubu ve tarihinin 1166-1188/1752-1774 yıllarını kapsayan döneminin kaynakları, bu kaynakları kullanma usulü ve bunlar arasındaki yeri ve değeri ele alınmıştır.   Anahtar Kelimeler; Ahmed Vâsıf, Osmanlı Tarihi, Tarihçilik, Vakanüvis, THE HISTORICAL AND THE SOURCES OF VAKANÜVİS AHMED VÂSIF Abstract Among the Ottoman historical sources, the historian's history as an official historian of the state occupies an important place. Although they are subject to criticism in some respects, the work to be done without applying to these sources will be incomplete. because these historians not only wrote down the events of the period in which they lived, but also penned the events of the untold period before they had to create an uninterrupted history. In the Ottoman Empire, since the beginning of the 18th century, the official historiography began with Nâimâ Mustafa Efendi (d. 1128/1716) and continued until the end of the reign. Many great historians have been in this position until the end of their inception and they have created many valuable works. Among these historians, Ahmed Vasif, who had written a work with the name of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr and Hakāiku'l-Ahbâr, has an outstanding place. Ahmed Vâsif has written fifty-three-year history covering the years 1166-1219 / 1752-1804-05 of Ottoman Empire with his unique style and history understanding with his fifteen-year experience. In this study, the sources of Vâsif's history understanding style and the sources of the History of the History covering the years 1166-1188/1752-1774, the place and the value of using these resources and their sources are discussed. Key Words; Ahmed Vâsif, Ottoman history, historicism,

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Vakanüvis Ahmed Vâsıf Efendi'nin Tarihçiliği ve Kaynakları Kullanma Usulü

Among the Ottoman historical sources, the official historian of the state, the dates written by the vacancies hold an important place. In some ways, if they are concerned with the quotes, the work to be done will be missing from these sources. For the vacancies did not only take the events of the time they lived, but also take the events of the time they had not written before them to create an uninterrupted date. First in the Ottoman state of XVIII. From the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century to the beginning of the century. It began with 1128/1716 and continued until the end of the reign. From its beginning to its end, many great historians have been in this task and have created very valuable works. This is the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the name of Muhammad (peace be upon him). Ahmed Vâsıf has written about fifty-three-year history covering the years 1166-1219/1752-1804-05 of the Ottoman state with his own history and understanding. In this study, we discussed the style of the historical understanding of Vâsif and the sources of the period covering the years 1166-1188/1752-1774, the method of using these resources and the place and value between them. Keywords; Ahmed Vâsif, Ottoman History, History, Vakanuvis, THE HISTORICAL AND THE FURCES OF Vakanuvis Ahmed Vâsif Abstract Among the Ottoman historical sources, the historian's history as an official historian of the state occupies an important place. Although they are subject to criticism in some respects, the work to be done without applying to these sources will be incomplete. Because these historians not only wrote down the events of the period in which they lived, but also wrote down the events of the untold period before they had to create an uninterrupted history. In the Ottoman Empire, since the beginning of the 18th century, the official historiography began with Nâimâ Mustafa Efendi (d. 1128/1716) and continued until the end of the reign. Many great historians have been in this position until the end of their inception and they have created many valuable works. Among these historians, Ahmed Vasif, who had written a work with the name of Mehâsinü’l-Âsâr and Hakāiku’l-Ahbâr, has an outstanding place. Ahmed Vâsif has written fifty-three-year history covering the years 1166-1219 / 1752-1804-05 of the Ottoman Empire with his unique style and history understanding with his fifteen-year experience. In this study, the sources of Vâsif's history understanding style and the sources of the History of the History covering the years 1166-1188/1752-1774, the place and the value of using these resources and their sources are discussed. Key Words; Ahmed Vâsif, Ottoman history, historicism,

Waq'anuvīs Ahmed Vāsif Effendi's Histiography and His Manner On Using The Sources

Among the Ottoman historical sources, the historian's history as an official historian of the state occupies an important place. These historians not only wrote down the events of the period in which they lived, but also drew up the events of the untold period before they were to create an uninterrupted history. Among these historians, Ahmed Vasıf, who had written a work with the name of Mehâsinü'l-Âsâr and Hakāiku'l-Ahbâr, has an outstanding place. Ahmed Vâsıf wrote about the fifty-year history of the Ottoman state, covering the years 1166-1219 / 1752-1805, with his unique style and understanding of history. In this study, the sources of Vâsif's history understanding style and the sources of the History of the History covering the years 1166-1188/1752-1774, the place and the value of using these resources and their sources are discussed

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
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İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi

Alan :   İlahiyat

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 296
Atıf : 347
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

İhya Uluslararası İslam Araştırmaları Dergisi