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 Görüntüleme 8
 İndirme 1
Social capital and its influence on the teachers psychological well being during the pandemic COVID-19
Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences

The teachers’ psychological well-being is very important to note because it affects their performance. Various factors affect the teachers’ psychological well-being, including one which is the teachers’ social capital. This study aims to determine the effect of social capital on teachers' psychological well-being. The research topic is based on the problem of finding problems where increasing social capital needs to be done not only to improve psychological well-being even in all aspects of human life, especially to get out of the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study involved a subject of 250 teachers. This study uses quantitative research techniques with correlational descriptive methods. Data collection in this study used two kinds of instruments: the personal social capital 16 scales and the psychological well-being scale. Based on the results of the study, it was found that: (1) social capital has a significant influence on psychological well-being, and the direction of the relationship is positive, meaning that when the value of social capital on teachers (as subjects) increases, their psychological well-being also increases, (2) aspects of social capital in the form of bonding and bridging lead to different roles in the relationship that affect each aspect of psychological well-being, (3) each aspect of social capital in the form of bonding and bridging does not always have the same effect on each aspect of social capital. The implications of this research are teachers’ social capital needs to improve teachers’ psychological well-being.

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Benzer Makaleler

Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Psychology Research on Education and Social Sciences