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Adâlete Yönelik Kusurlar Karşısında İmam Müslim’in Metodu
Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Öz Hadis râviler aracılığıyla nakledilmiş ve bu râvilerin güvenilirliğini tespitte adâlet ve zabt temel koşul kabul edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda Müslim’in de adâlet ve zabt unsurları açısından râvileri nasıl değerlendirdiğinin araştırılması elzemdir. Müslim (ö. 261/875) İlel ve Rical ilminde otorite olarak görülmüş ve Cerh-ta‘dîl âlimlerinden kabul edilmiştir. Kur’an’dan sonra Buhârî’nin (ö. 256/870) el-Câmi‘u’s-sahîh’i ile birlikte en sahih kaynak olarak kabul edilen İmam Müslim’in el-Câmi‘u’s-sahîh’i yanında el-Akrân, el-İhve ve’l-ahavât, Ma’rifetü ruvâti’l-ahbâr, et-Târîh ve el-İlel gibi ricâl ve cerh-ta‘dîlle ilgili kitapları bunun işareti olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Müslim’in râvileri tetkik ve tenkidi, günümüze kadar gelen Sahîh’inin Mukaddime’si, et-Tabakât, Kitâbu’l-künâ ve’l-esmâ ve et-Temyîz gibi diğer eserlerinde görülmektedir. Bunun yanında bu alanın kaynak eserlerinde de onun değerlendirmelerine yer verilmiştir. Bu çalışmada râvinin adâletine yönelik kusurlar arasında görülen kizb, fısk, bid‘at ve cehâlet karşısında İmam Müslim’in metodu incelenmeye çalışılmıştır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Hadis, Müslim, Ricâl, Cerh-Ta‘dîl, Adâlet, Metot Imam Müslim’s Method against The Faults Related to The Justice Abstract The hadith was transferred through the transferors, and the justice and suppression were accepted as the main requirements. So it is important how Müslim evaluated the transferors in terms of the justice and suppression factors. Müslim (D. 261/875) was seen as an authority in the sciences of diseases and dignitaries, and he was accepted as one of the scholars in Sublation and Rectification. Imam Müslim’s books related to the dignitaries, sublation and rectification such as el-Akrân, al-İhva ve’l-ahavât, Ma’rifetü ruvâti’l-ahbâr, at-Târîkh and el-İlel with al-Jâmi as-sahîh that they are accepted as the correct sources were evaluated as its sign with Buhari’s (D. 256/870) al-Jâmi as-sahîh after The Koran. Müslim’s transferors are seen in the other works such as Sahîh’inin Mukaddime’si, et-Tabakât, Kitâbu’l-künâ ve’l-esmâ and et-Temyîz that their investigation and criticism have come to today. Furthermore, His evaluations were included in the source works of this field. In this study, Imam Müslim’s method was tried to be reviewed against the lie, sin, emergent one and ignorance which are accepted among the faults related to the justice of transferor. Key Words : Hadith, Müslim, Rijal, al-Jarh at-Ta’dîl, Justice, Method

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The way of justice against misconduct is the way of Islam.

Thus, the righteousness of the righteous and the righteousness of the righteous and the righteousness of the righteous and the righteousness of the righteous and the righteous. This is the reason for the Muslims to find out how the righteous and worthless elements of the righteous are considered. The Muslim. 261/875) It was seen as authority in the Illel and Rical science and accepted by the Cerh-ta’dîl allies. after the Qur’an. [25] In the words of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). In the words of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). In addition to this, the source of the work is also placed in its assessments. In this study, we have tried to study the method of Imam Muslim in the face of Kizb, Fisk, bid'at and ignorance, which is seen among the defects towards the righteousness of the ravin.  Keywords: Hadis, Muslim, Ricâl, Cerh-Ta'dîl, Adâlet, Metot Imam Muslim's Method against The Faults Related to The Justice Abstract The hadith was transferred through the transferors, and the justice and suppression were accepted as the main requirements. So it is important how Muslims evaluated the transferors in terms of the justice and suppression factors. The Muslim (D) 261/875) was seen as an authority in the sciences of diseases and dignitaries, and he was accepted as one of the scholars in Sublation and Rectification. Imam Muslim's books related to the dignitaries, sublation and rectification such as al-Akrân, al-Ihva and al-Havât, Ma'rifetü ruvâti'l-ahbâr, at-Târîkh and al-Ilel with al-Jâmi as-sahîh that they are accepted as the correct sources were evaluated as its sign with Buhari's (D. 256/870) al-Jâmi as-sahîh after The Quran. Muslim transfers are seen in the other works such as Sahih’s Mukaddime, et-Tabakât, the Book of the Qur’an and the Qur’an and the Qur’an that their investigation and criticism have come to today. Furthermore, His evaluations were included in the source works of this field. In this study, Imam Muslim's method was tried to be reviewed against the lie, sin, emergent one and ignorance which are accepted among the faults related to the justice of the transferor. Key Words : Hadith, Muslim, Rijal, al-Jarh at-Ta'dîl, Justice, Method

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Bingöl Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi

Alan :   İlahiyat

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 349
Atıf : 267
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