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Hak İş Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi

Ekonomik krizler çalışma ilişkilerini bulundukları konjonktür içerisinde etkilemiş ve çalışma ilişkileri, krizlerin çözümüne aranan yanıtlarda en çok müdahaleye uğrayan alan olmuştur. 2008 krizi ile birlikte emek piyasasının temel taşlarından birini oluşturan toplu pazarlık, bu süreç içerisinde Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde krize çözüm olarak aranan yanıtlar içerisinde kullanılan önemli bir araç olmuştur. Avrupa Birliği’nde krizin çalışma ilişkilerine ilişkin etkisi ile ilgili tek bir bakış açısı oluşturulamamaktadır. Kimi ülkeler krizden derinden etkilenerek yoğun işsizlik ile karşı karşıya kalırken kimi ülkelerde krizin etkisi alınan ulusal önlemler ile neredeyse yok sayılacak seviyededir. Krize AB’nin politikaları dâhilinde cevap arayan Yunanistan ve sosyal ortakların krize verdikleri yanıtlar, alınan ortak karar ve uzlaşma ile hareket eden Almanya arasında toplu pazarlık yapılarında farklılıklar mevcuttur. Bu makalede 2008 krizi ve sonrasında Almanya ve Yunanistan’da toplu pazarlık yapısında meydana gelen farklılıklar mukayeseli olarak ele alınmıştır. Yapılan araştırmalar ışığında Avrupa’da krize ortak bir tepkinin oluşturulamamasının yanı sıra toplu pazarlık yapısının âdem-i merkeziyete kaydığı gözlemlenmiştir. 


2008 Crisis and Public Markets: Germany and Greece's Adaptation

Economic crises have influenced the working relations within the context in which they are, and the working relations have been the area most interfering in the response to the solution of crises. Collective negotiations, which, along with the 2008 crisis, formed one of the core stones of the labour market, have become an important tool used in the EU countries in response to the crisis as a solution. There is no single view of the impact of the crisis on working relations in the European Union. Some countries are deeply affected by the crisis, facing intense unemployment, while some countries are almost unreliable with national measures affected by the crisis. The responses of Greece and social partners seeking response within the EU’s policies to the crisis, the joint decision and the agreement between Germany and Germany, there are differences in the collective negotiation structures. This article compared the 2008 crisis and the differences that occurred in the collective negotiation structure in Germany and Greece. In the light of the research carried out, it is not possible to create a common reaction to the crisis in Europe, as well as the structure of collective negotiations is shifted to the center of the adem.


Collective Bargaining In 2008 Crisis and After: Comparison Of Germany and Greece

Economic crises have affected labor relations in their conjuncture and labor relations have been the most intervened field in the responses to the solution of crises. Collective bargaining, which became one of the cornerstones of the labor market with the 2008 crisis, has become an important tool used in the response to the crisis in European Union countries. There is no single perspective on the impact of the crisis on labor relations in the European Union. While some countries are deeply affected by the crisis and face intense unemployment, in some countries the impact of the crisis is almost negligible by national measures. There are differences in the collective bargaining structures between Greece and its social partners seeking answers to the crisis within the EU's policies, with the responses to the crisis, joint decisions and consensus. In this article, the differences that occurred in the collective bargaining structure of Germany and Greece after 2008 crisis are compared. In the light of the researches, it was observed that the collective bargaining structure shifted to decentralization as well as not creating a common reaction to the crisis in Europe.


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Hak İş Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 354
Cite : 2.703
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Hak İş Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi