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  Citation Number 15
 Views 19
Öğrenci Başarısının Okul, Öğretmen ve Aileyle İlgili Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi
Pamukkale University Journal of Education

Bu araştırmanın amacı, okul, öğretmen ve aile ile ilgili değişkenlerin öğrencilerin okul başarısı üzerindeki etkilerinin karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmesidir. İlişkisel tarama modelinde tasarlanan araştırmaya Balıkesir merkez ve ilçelerindeki 12 farklı lisede öğrenim gören 698 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırmada ölçme aracı olarak, Liselerde Okul Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği ve Öğretmen Sınıf Liderliği Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde korelasyon ve çoklu doğrusal regresyon analizleri ile yapısal regresyon modelinden yararlanılmıştır. Doğrusal regresyonla oluşturulan modeller, öğrencilerin demografik özelliklerinin ve öğretmen sınıf liderliği algılarının okul başarıları üzerinde etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Buna karşın öğrencilerin okul yaşam kalitesi algılarının okul başarısı üzerindeki etkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Kontrol değişkenlerinin de dâhil edildiği regresyon analizi sonuçları, okul başarısı üzerinde en etkili değişkenin sosyoekonomik düzey olduğunu göstermektedir. Sosyoekonomik düzeyi takip eden en güçlü değişkenler ise okul ve öğretmen sınıf liderliği değişkenleridir


Students' success review in terms of school, teacher and family-related variables

The aim of this research is to compare the impact of school, teacher and family-related variables on school success of students. The research designed in the Relational Scanning Model included 698 students studying in 12 different high schools in the Fishesir Center and districts. As a measurement tool in research, the school quality life scale and the teacher class leadership scale were used in high schools. In data analysis, the correlation and multi-linear regression analysis have been used by the structural regression model. Models created by vertical regression show that students’ demographic characteristics and teachers’ class leadership perceptions have an impact on school achievements. However, the impact of students’ perceptions of quality of school life on school success has not been statistically significant. Regression analysis results, including control variables, show that the most influential variable on school success is the socio-economic level. The strongest variables that follow the socio-economic level are the school and teacher class leadership variables.


Examination Of Student Achievement In Terms Of School, Teacher, and Family-related Variables

This study aims to compare the effects of school, teacher, and family-related variables on students’ academic performance. The study was designed as a relational screening model and included 698 students from 12 high schools in both the city-center and the surrounding townships of Balıkesir Province, Turkey. The measurement tools utilized in this study were the Quality of Life in High Schools Scale and the Teacher Classroom Leadership Scale. In addition to conducting a correlation and multiple regression analysis, a structural regression model was used to analyze data. The linear regression models reveal that while students’ demographic characteristics and teacher classroom leadership perceptions have a significant impact on students’ academic performance, students’ perceptions of school life quality were found not to be statistically significant. The results of the regression analysis in which control variables were included indicate that families’ socioeconomic level followed by school and teacher classroom leadership have the greatest impact of all variables on students’ academic performance.


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Pamukkale University Journal of Education

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Basic Field of Educational Sciences

Pamukkale University Journal of Education