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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 395
 İndirme 29
 Sesli Dinleme 1
Bulgarların Kökeni ve Bağımsızlık Hareketleri
Asia Minor Studies

Arkeolojik kalıntılar, Bulgarların, Türk menşeli bir kavim olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Göktürklerin, idaresi altında yaşayan Bulgarlar, Göktürklerin güçsüz döneminde, 630’da ‘‘Büyük Bulgarya Devletini’’ kurmuşlardır. Bu devlet, Hazar Hakanlığı tarafından parçalanmıştır (665). Asparuh idaresindeki Bulgarlar, Tuna’ya doğru yönelmişler, burada, Oğuzlar ve Hunlarla karışarak Bulgar adı altında, bu topraklarda hakimiyet kurmuşlardır. Büyük Kosova Savaşı’ndan sonra (1839) Tuna ve Vidin’e kadar bütün Bulgaristan Osmanlı hakimiyetine girmiş ve halk, dini ve milli değerlerinde özgür bırakılmıştır. Bulgarların bağımsızlık hareketleri, ilk defa XVIII. yüzyılın ikinci yarısında başlamıştır. 1828/29 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’ndan sonra Ruslar, Bulgarların çete faaliyetlerini desteklemişlerdir. Bulgarlar, Rusların Balkanlardaki faaliyetlerinden faydalanarak, Osmanlı Devleti’nden ayrılma eğilimi göstermeye başlamışlardır. Bulgar bağımsızlık hareketi, hem ideolojik gelişme hem de organizasyon olarak 1860’larda doruk noktasına ulaşmıştır. Bulgar Ortodoks Kilisesi 11 Mart 1870 tarihindeki bir fermanla tanınmış, sonrasında milli Bulgar kilisesi, kurulmuştur. Dini bağımsızlıklarını kazanan Bulgarlar, siyasi bağımsızlıklarını kazanmak için savaşmaya, 1875 ve 1876 yılında yapılan, iki güçlü ihtilal teşebbüsüyle devam etmiştir. 1877-1878 Savaşı Osmanlı- Rus mücadelesinde, Bulgarlar Rusya’ya büyük destek vermiş, Bulgar gönüllüleri, Rus ordusunda Osmanlı Devleti’ne karşı savaşmıştır. Bu savaşta, çok sayıda Müslüman hayatını kaybetmiş ve çok sayıda Müslüman, evlerini bırakarak göç etmek zorunda kalmıştır. Bu çalışmada Bulgarların Türk kökenli bir topluluk olduğu, siyasi bağımsızlıklarını elde etme sürecinde Türk kimlikleri ile değil, dini kimliklerine göre faaliyetlerine yön verip, bağımsızlıklarını elde etme mücadeleleri anlatılmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Bulgarians and the Independence Movements

Archaeological remains indicate that the Bulgarians are a people of Turkish origin. The Bulgarians, who lived under the governance of the Göktürk, established the "Great Bulgarian State" in 630 during the weak period of the Göktürk. This state was divided by the Treasury Department (665). The Bulgarians in the administration of Asparuh turned to the Tuna, where they, mixed with the Sons and the Huns, under the Bulgarian name, established dominance on these lands. After the Great War of Kosovo (1839) until Tuna and Vidin, all of Bulgaria entered the Ottoman domination and was left free in the people, religious and national values. The Bulgarian Independence Movement, for the first time in the XVIII. It began in the second half of the century. After the 1828/29 Ottoman-Russian War, the Russians supported the gang activities of the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians, taking advantage of the activities of the Russians in the Balkans, began to show a tendency to leave the Ottoman State. The Bulgarian Independence Movement reached its peak in the 1860s as an ideological and organizational development. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church was founded on March 11, 1870, after which the National Bulgarian Church was established. The Bulgarians, who won their religious independence, continued to fight for their political independence, with two strong conflict attempts in 1875 and 1876. In the 1877-1878 War Ottoman-Russian struggle, the Bulgarians gave great support to Russia, the Bulgarian volunteers fought against the Ottoman State in the Russian army. In this war, many Muslims lost their lives and many Muslims were forced to migrate by leaving their homes. In this study, the Bulgarians are a community of Turkish origin, and in the process of achieving their political independence, not with their Turkish identities, but according to their religious identities, their activities are directed and their struggles to obtain their independence.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Origin Of The Bulgars and Their Independence Movements

Archaeological remains indicate that the Bulgarians were a Turkish tribe. The Bulgarians living under the rule of the Gokturks established the 'Great Bulgarian State' in 630, during the weak period of the Gokturks. This state was distributed by the Khazar Khanate (665). The Bulgarians under the administration of Asparuh headed towards the Danube, where they joined the Oghuzes and Huns and dominated these lands under the Bulgarian name. After the Great Kosovo war (1839), all Bulgaria up to the Danube and Vidin came under Ottoman rule and was freed to live the religious and national values of the people. Independence movements in the Bulgarians first started in the second half of the 18th century. After the 1828-29 Ottoman-Russian war, the Russians supported the gang activities of the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians started to tend to leave the Ottoman State by taking advantage of the activities of the Russians in the Balkans. The Bulgarian independence movement reached its peak in the 1860s, both as an ideological development and as an organization. The Bulgarian Orthodox Church was known for an edict on March 11, 1870, after which the national Bulgarian church was established. The Bulgarians, who gained their religious independence, continued to fight to gain their political independence, with two strong attempts at revolution in 1875 and 1876. The Battle of 1877-1878 In the Ottoman-Russian struggle, Bulgarians gave great support to Russia, Bulgarian volunteers fought against the Ottoman State in the Russian army. In this war, many Muslims died and many Muslims had to migrate by leaving their homes. In this study; The Bulgarians are a Turkish origin society, not with Turkish identities in the process of achieving their political independence, give directions their activities according to their religious identities, struggles to achieve their independence are described.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Asia Minor Studies

Alan :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 206
Atıf : 395
Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Asia Minor Studies