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Platon ve Descartes’ta Ontolojinin Epistemolojik Çözümlemeleri
Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy

Belli açılardan, biri klasik diğeri modern felsefenin öncüsü olarak kabul edilen Platon ve Descartes birbirilerinden yalnızca çağları bakımından değil; ruh, beden ve töz anlayışları bakımından da farklılık gösterir. Bununla birlikte, hakikati ararken temel aldıkları modus operandi (çalışma şekli, yöntem) bakımından ise oldukça yakın anlayışlara sahip oldukları iddia edilebilir. Platon psykhe’nin varlığa açılma zeminini ortaya koyarken, Descartes ise ben-Tanrı-uzamlı cisimler anlayışını temellendirirken epistemolojiyi merkeze almıştır. Bu bağlamda, varlığa farklı derecelerde epistemolojik bir karakter kazandırmaları bakımından filozofların karşılaştırılabileceğini söylemek mümkün olabilir. Bu açıdan bu çalışma Batı Felsefesi tarihinde önemli değişimler yaratan Platon ve Descartes’ın ontoloji ile epistemoloji arasında kurdukları farklı ve benzer ilişkileri ve epistemolojik çözümlemelerini konu edinmektedir.


The Epistemological Solutions of Ontology in Platon and Descartes

In certain aspects, Platon and Descartes, one considered the pioneers of the classical and the other modern philosophy, differ from each other not only in terms of their ages, but also in terms of their spirit, body, and concepts of spirit. However, it can be claimed that they have a very close understanding of the modus operandi (working way, method) that they are based on the search for truth. While Platon revealed the ground of the opening of the psyche to the existence, Descartes focused on epistemology while founding the understanding of self-God-long bodies. In this context, it may be possible to say that philosophers can be compared in terms of giving the existence an epistemological character at different degrees. From this point of view, this study focuses on the different and similar relationships and epistemological solutions between ontology and epistemology by Platon and Descartes, who created significant changes in the history of Western Philosophy.


Epistemological Analyzes Of Ontology In Plato and Descartes

In certain respects, Plato and Descartes, one of which is considered as the pioneer of classical and the other of modern philosophy, differ from each other not only in terms of their ages; differ in their understanding of soul, body and substance. However, it can be claimed that they have very close understandings in terms of the modus operandi (working style, method) on which they base their search for the truth. While Plato laid the groundwork for the opening of psyche to Being, Descartes put epistemology in the center while he was basing his understanding of self-God-extended bodies. In this context, it may be possible to say that philosophers can be compared in terms of giving different degrees of epistemological character to existence. In this respect, this study deals with the different and similar relationships and epistemological analyzes that Plato and Descartes, who created important changes in the history of Western Philosophy, established between ontology and epistemology.


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