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  Atıf Sayısı 3
 Görüntüleme 17
Sosyal Sürdürülebilirlik Performansının Kalıcı Afet Konutlarında Değerlendirilmesi: Bingöl Örneği

One of the most controversial results of permanent housing practices after a disaster is the creation of new residential areas that are incompatible with the way of life of disaster victims. This situation, resulting in dissatisfaction, either causes residential areas to be abandoned or modified by the user. In addition, it reveals that the housing production process should not be seen only as a solution to the housing problem, and the importance of creating new residential areas considering all social needs. With this study, social sustainability parameters affecting the quality of life of communities were compiled and evaluated in the context of mass housing project areas produced after earthquakes in Turkey. The majority of mass housing production in Turkey is carried out by the Housing Development Administer (TOKI). Observation, questionnaire and interview techniques were used to collect data within the scope of the study. In the survey study, users were asked to evaluate their housing and built environment by taking into account their demographic characteristics. 207 residential users living in Inonu, Uydukent and Içmeler neighborhood mass housing, which were made after the 2003 earthquake in Bingöl in eastern Turkey, were interviewed face-to-face and surveyed by simple random sampling method and data on the subject were obtained. As part of the study, the hypothesis that "taking into account social sustainability parameters in the production of post-disaster permanent housing plays an important role in user satisfaction" was examined. As a result, housing social, cultural and regional characteristics for compliance with the restructuring settlement and the adoption of a sense of belonging, shared values strengthen a sense of trust, identity, improvement in quality of life, user participation in design, the improvement of living standards the impact on parameters such as user satisfaction has been determined to be significant..

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