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 Görüntüleme 30
 İndirme 2
Mapping the effect of aerobic exercise on the cognition of elderly with Alzheimer's: a scoping review
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício

The primary objective of this scoping review was to identify the cognitive effects of aerobic exercise in older adults with Alzheimer's disease. Secondarily, we identified and mapped the aerobic training protocols prescribed, including exercise type, frequency, intensity, as well as session and program durations. In addition, we described the main scales used to assess cognition in the included studies. Therefore, systematic searches were performed in electronic databases (PubMed, Scielo, PEDro, Lilacs and Cochrane). Although 385 potential citations were found, only six studies were considered eligible and, hence, included. Most studies proposed the use of a cycle ergometer and only one prescribed walking. As expected, the most adopted intensity was moderate and prescribed based on heart rate reserve or on the Borg scale. The most applied cognitive assessment was the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale - Cognitive section (ADAS-Cog). Stationary cycling and moderate-intensity walking can stabilize or reduce the progression of cognitive decline in elderly people with AD, maintaining or increasing the global cognition of these individuals.

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Benzer Makaleler

Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 562
Atıf : 9
Revista Brasileira de Prescrição e Fisiologia do Exercício