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Development of a Wi-Fi controlled mobile video device on the Arduino NANO basis
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

The development of a Wi-Fi-controlled video machine using Arduino NANO is described. The connection diagram of Arduino NANO and additional modules is presented. The relevance of the topic under development is emphasized by the increasing demand for the use of remotely controlled video devices. A Wi-Fi-controlled video device (machine) was developed, which is powered by a battery that is connected to the charge controller module with microUSB. Possible battery life is 5-6 hours without recharging. In the process of developing a Wi-Fi-controlled video machine, a large amount of work was carried out, including adding the necessary libraries for the correct writing of programs and determining the necessary conditions for the functioning of the device. Program (sketch) for controlling the engines of the machine is also developed; the main components for creating the device are identified. For the mobile camera application to work, it is necessary to download the JoyLite application from the AppStore or PlayMarket; after which the smartphone “connects” to the Wi-Fi network and the SANNCE HD 720p camera. In the software part of the development of a Wi-Fi-controlled video machine using Arduino NANO in the Arduino IDE software environment, the program (sketch) was developed for the SANNCE HD 720p “JoyLite” mobile application. This program configures the signals from the stepper motors of the camera to asynchronous motors of the machine, as well as adjusting the speed of the wheels. During the tests of the device, it turned out that the Wi-Fi-controlled video machine has a sensitivity to speed impacts, namely, the speed should exceed 255 r/s. The developed Wi-Fi-controlled video machine can be used in various fields. For example, the device can be used in systems such as "Smart Home" or in security systems, or be implemented as a training project in the course of robotics. Author Biographies Olga Sergeyeva, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology Gagarina ave., 8, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49005 PhD, Associate Professor Department of Specialized Computer Systems


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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 4.764
Cite : 4.498
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies