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 İndirme 16
The intercultural competence of a new Ukrainian school teacher as an important factor of effective pedagogical activity
ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education

The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of increasing the level of intercultural competence of teachers of the new Ukrainian school in the conditions of diversity of the ethno-cultural space. The multifunctionality and many dimensions of the teacher's intercultural competence have been proved; structural components and criteria for determining their formation are substantiated: value-ethical (value attitude to pedagogical activity, understanding of peculiarities of ethno-cultural communities, worldview position, adherence to ethical norms of pedagogical activity, person / child-centrism); theoretical-cognitive (special professional knowledge, ability to think (thinking), intellectual ability); personality-psychological (professionally important qualities of the personality - attentiveness, observability, sensitivity to the emotional state of the interlocutor, empathy, emotional stability, altruism, consistency, justice, demandingness); linguistic and communicative (linguistic, communicative, cultural, personality listening and hearing, tolerance, tact); procedural activity (mastery of teaching methods, skills and competences, organizational abilities, speed of reaction and decision making, responsiblity, capacity for reflection and self-improvement). The vision of the teacher's intercultural competence as a special integrative internal education is defined, which ensures the teacher's readiness for the professional activity in the conditions of modern ethno-cultural diversity of the educational environment and is based on humanistic, moral-ethical, spiritual values, epistemological and philosophical positions. The question of formation of the intercultural competence of teachers in higher education institutions and its improvement in institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education is considered in the context of ideas of self-education, self-development on the basis of fundamental approaches: systemic; cultural; the ways and methods of increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical activities are outlined. It is also noted, that the level of development of the intercultural competence of specialists’ personality not only increases the efficiency of their professional activity in Ukraine, but also increases the likelihood of labor migration of highly-qualified specialists. The ways of minimizing, if not preventing, the "brain drain", labor migration from our Ukraine in connection with the processes of civilization globalization of the world space are offered Author Biographies Tetiana Branitska, Municipal higher educational institution "Vinnitsa Academy of Continuing Education" Pyrohova str., 56, Vinnytsia, Ukraina, 21018 Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of Department Department of Psychological-Pedagogical Education and Social Sciences

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Benzer Makaleler

ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 471
Atıf : 32
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

ScienceRise: Pedagogical Education