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 Görüntüleme 16
Selection of Input–Output Pairing and Control Structure Configuration Using Interaction Measures for DC–DC Dual Input Zeta-SEPIC Converter

Designing of automated devices for industrial and other applications is gaining momentum day by day, in particular with power electronic devices due to possible faster control. The efficiency of the devices depends on sensing the appropriate output signal and feeding the same to an appropriate input. In other words, selection/ pairing of appropriate input–output (IO) variable is very much essential for the effective operation of the device. In view of this, this study has focused on various procedures to identify the efficient IO pairing for designing a closed-loop system for Dual Input Zeta-SEPIC (DIZS) converter using interaction measures. To identify the best IO pairing for the selected DIZS converter, DC gain-based interaction measures and non-DC gain-based interaction measures are used. From the interaction measures using the methods listed earlier, selection of the best IO pairing and recommended control structure configuration for closed loop operation of the DIZS converter is also considered in this work. For the selected converter, to select the best IO pairing, studies have been considered for various cases: (1) with designed parameters; (2) with changes in the operating conditions; and (3) with changes in the values of the designed parameters. All the studies have been carried out using Matlab and PSIM simulation software.

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 563
Atıf : 287