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  Citation Number 2
 Views 33
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Çuvaş Dil Derlemelerinin Kurucusu S. M. Mihaylov Ve Çuvaşçanın İlk Atasözü Derlemesi
Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi

Modern anlamda “Çuvaş” adıyla dil kayıtlarının ortaya çıkması her ne kadar 18. yüzyıla dayansa da bunların edebî metin normunu alması takip eden yüzyıl içinde olmuştur. Çuvaşçanın ilk ağız metinlerini derleyen kişi S. M. Mihaylov’dur. Çuvaş olan Mihaylov, bu derlemelerinin yanı sıra Çuvaşların sosyal hayatı ile ilgili pek çok gazete yazısı kaleme almış ve 1853’te derlemelerinin yer aldığı bir kitap çıkarmıştır. Bu derleme Çuvaş atasözü araştırmacılığı açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Zira kitapta Çuvaş özlü sözlerine de yer verilmiştir. Diğer Türk halklarıyla da karşılaştırdığımızda bu derlemenin Türkoloji tarihinin en erken derlemelerinden biri olduğunu görmekteyiz. Eldeki yazı S. M. Mihaylov’un hayatı ve eserleriyle birlikte kendisi tarafından kaydedilen atasözlerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.


The founder of the Çuvaş Language Collections, S. M. Mihaylov and the first vocabulary collection of Çuvaşçana

Although the emergence of language records with the name of "Chuvash" in the modern sense dates back to the 18th century, it took place within the following century to get the norm of literary text. The compiler of the first dialect texts of Chuvash language is S. M. Mihaylov. In addition to these collections, Mihaylov, who was Chuvash, wrote many newspaper articles about Chuvash's social life and published a book in which his compilations took place in 1853. This compilations is of great importance for Chuvash proverb research. Because the first proverbs of Chuvash are also included in the book. When we compare it with other Turkish peoples, we see that this compilation is one of the earliest compilations in the history of Turcology. This article aims to evaluate the proverbs given by him along with the life and works of S. M. Mihaylov.


Founder Of Chuvash Language Compilations S. M. Mihaylov and First Proverb Compilation Of Chuvash

Although the emergence of language records with the name of "Chuvash" in the modern sense dates back to the 18th century, it took place within the following century to get the norm of literary text. The compiler of the first dialect texts of Chuvash language is S. M. Mihaylov. In addition to these collections, Mihaylov, who was Chuvash, wrote many newspaper articles about Chuvash's social life and published a book in which his compilations took place in 1853. This compilations is of great importance for Chuvash proverb research. Because the first proverbs of Chuvash are also included in the book. When we compare it with other Turkish peoples, we see that this compilation is one of the earliest compilations in the history of Turcology. This article aims to evaluate the proverbs given by him along with the life and works of S. M. Mihaylov.

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Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi

Field :   Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 306
Cite : 254
Basic Field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences

Tehlikedeki Diller Dergisi