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Kronik ürtikerli hastalarda troid otoimmünitesi ve artmış nötrofil lenfosit oranı
Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory

Amaç:  Kronik ürtikerin (KÜ) etyopatogenezi henüz net değildir. Ancak otoimmünitenin ve inflamasyonun rol oynadığı yapılan çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir.  Bu çalışmamızda KÜ’li hastalarda tiroid otoimmünitesinin saptanması, hastalık şiddetiyle ilişkisinin araştırılması ve inflamatuar belirteçler olan nötrofil lenfosit oranı (NLO), eosinofil lenfosit oranı (ELO) ve monosit lenfosit oranlarının (MLO) kontrol grup ile karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Erişkin allerji-immünoloji polikliniğinde KÜ nedeniyle takip edilen hastaların kayıtları geriye dönük olarak incelendi. Çalışmaya 100 KÜ’li hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak 100 sağlıklı birey alındı. KÜ’li hastaların demografik verileri, yedi günlük ürtikeryal aktivite skorları (UAS 7), kullandığı ilaçlar, laboratuar verilerinden anti-tiroglobülin (anti-Tg) ve anti-tiroid peroksidaz (anti-Tpo), antinükleer antikor (ANA) sonuçları ve kan sayımı parametreleri kayıt edildi. Kontrol grubu olarak yaş ve cinsiyet uyumlu sağlıklı bireylerin kan sayımı parametreleri kayıt edildi. Bulgular: KÜ hastalarda anti-Tpo % 19 hastada pozitif iken, anti-Tg % 8, ANA % 17 hastada pozitif idi. KÜ hastalar UAS 7’ye göre hafif, orta ve şiddetli olarak, gruplara ayrılarak değerlendirildiğinde, gruplar arası anti-Tpo, anti-Tg ve ANA sonuçları açısından fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). KÜ hastalar ve kontrol grupları arasında NLO, MLO ve ELO kıyaslandığında, NLO ve MLO istatistiksel olarak anlamlı yüksek tespit edilirken (p=0,028, p=0,001, sırasıyla) ELO açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark yoktu (p=0,094). KÜ’li hastalarda NLO, MLO ve ELO değerleri anti-Tpo, anti-Tg ve ANA pozitif ve negatif olan gruplar arasında kıyaslandığında anlamlı fark saptanmadı (p>0,05). Sonuç: KÜ’de otoimmünitenin ve inflamasyonun önemi yapılan çalışmalarda gösterilmişti.  Ek olarak bu çalışmada hastalık aktivitesi ile tiroid otoimmünitesi arasında ilişki saptanmazken inflamatuar bir belirteç olan NLO’ya ek olarak MLO da yüksek olarak tespit edildi. 


Troid autoimmune in chronic urethra patients and increased neutrophil lymphocytes rate

The etiopathogenesis of chronic urticaria (CU) is not clear yet. However, it has been shown that autoimmunity and inflammation play important roles in most of the studies. In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of thyroid autoimmune in patients with CU and to investigate the relationship between the severity of the disease and thyroid autoimmune. and also we aimed to compare the neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), eosinophil lymphocyte ratio (ELR) and monocyte lymphocyte ratio (MLR) which are inflammatory markers between the CU group and the control group. Material and Methods: Medical records of CU patients who were followed in adult allergy-immunology policlinic were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 100 patients with CU and 100 healthy subjects were included in the study. Patients' demographic data, seven-day urticarial activity scores (UAS 7), drugs that were used, anti-thyroglobulin (anti-Tg) and anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-Tpo), anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and blood count parameters as laboratory data were recorded. As control group blood count parameters of healthy individuals that age and gender-matched were recorded. Results: Anti-Tpo was positive in 19%, anti-Tpo was positive in 8% and ANA was positive in 17% of the patients with CU. When we divided patients with CU according to UAS 7 into three groups as mild, moderate and severe, there were no significant difference between the groups as anti-Tpo, anti-Tg and ANA results (p>0.05). When we compare NLR, MLR and ELR parameters between the patients and healthy group, we found that NLR and MLR parameters were statistically significant higher in patients groups (P=0.028, p=0.001, respectively) but there was no difference between the groups as ELR parameters (p=0,094). When we classified patients with CU as anti-Tpo, anti-Tg and ANA positive and negative, there were no significant differences between the groups as NLR, MLR and ELR results (p>0.05).      Conclusion: The importance of autoimmunity and inflammation in CU has been shown in studies. In addition, in this study the relationship between the disease activity of urticaria and the thyroid autoimmunity was not determined but the NLR and MLR parameters were found higher in CU as inflammatory markers.


Thyroid Autoimmunity and Increased Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio In Patients With Chronic Urticaria

Aim: The etiopathogenesis of chronic urticaria (CU) is not clear yet. However, it has been shown that autoimmunity and inflammation play important roles in most of the studies. In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of thyroid autoimmunity in patients with CU and to investigate the relationship between the severity of the disease and thyroid autoimmunity. and also we aimed to compare the neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), eosinophil lymphocyte ratio (ELR) and monocyte lymphocyte ratio (MLR) which are inflammatory markers between the CU group and the control group. Material and Methods: Medical records of CU patients who were followed in adult allergy-immunology policlinic were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 100 patients with CU and 100 healthy subjects were included in the study. Patients' demographic datas, seven-day urticarial activity scores (UAS 7), drugs that were used,  anti-thyroglobulin (anti-Tg) and anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-Tpo),  anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and blood count parameters as laboratory data were recorded. As control group blood count parameters of healthy individuals that age and gender-matched were recorded. Results: Anti-Tpo was positive in 19%, anti-Tpo was positive in 8% and ANA was positive in 17% of the patients with CU. When we divided patients with CU according to UAS 7 into three groups as mild, moderate and severe,  there were no significant difference between the groups as anti-Tpo, anti-Tg and ANA results (p>0.05). When we compare NLR, MLR and ELR parameters between the patients and healthy group,we found that NLR and MLR parameters were statistically significant higher in patients groups (P=0.028, p=0.001, respectively) but there was no difference between the groups as ELR parameter (p=0,094). When we classified patients with CU as anti-Tpo, anti-Tg and ANA positive and negative,  there were no significant differences between the groups as NLR, MLR and ELR results (p>0.05).      Conclusion: The importance of autoimmunity and inflammation in CU has been shown in studies. In addition, in this study the relationship between the disease activity of urticaria and the thyroid autoimmunity was not determined but the NLR and MLR parameters were found higher in CU as inflammatory markers.


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Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory

Field :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 620
Cite : 340
Basic Field of Health Sciences

Turkish Journal of Clinics and Laboratory