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  Citation Number 1
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Identifying the influence of the polymer matrix type on the structure formation of microcomposites when they are filled with copper particles
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

Studies were carried out to establish the mechanisms of structure formation during crystallization of polymer composites based on polyethylene, polypropylene or polycarbonate filled with copper microparticles. The researches were executed using a technique, the first stage of which consisted in the experimental determination of crystallization exotherms of composites, and the second – in the theoretical analysis based on the obtained exotherms of the structure formation characteristics. A complex of studies on determination of crystallization exotherms for investigated microcomposites was carried out. The regularities of the cooling rate influence of composites, the method of their production and the mass fraction of filler on the temperature level of the beginning and ending of crystallization, the maximum value of the reduced heat flux, etc. were established. It is shown that for the applied methods of obtaining composites the increase of their cooling rate causes the decrease of the indicated temperatures and heat flux. It is established that the value of the mass fraction of the filler has a less significant effect on the characteristics of the crystallization process. The regularities of structure formation of polymer composites at the initial stage of crystallization with the involvement of data on crystallization exotherms and nucleation equations are investigated. The presence of planar and three-dimensional mechanisms of structure formation at this stage has been established. It is shown that the ratio of these mechanisms is influenced by the type of polymer matrix and the method of obtaining composites. For the second stage of crystallization, which occurs in the entire volume of the composite, the results of experiments on crystallization exotherms were analyzed on the basis of the Kolmogorov-Avrami equation. It is shown that the structure formation of polyethylene-based composites occurs by the three-dimensional mechanism, and on the basis of polypropylene and polycarbonate – by the mechanism of the stressed matrix Author Biographies Roman Dinzhos, Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University Nikolska str., 24, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, 54001 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Department of Physics and Mathematics


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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies

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Cite : 4.498
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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies