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 İndirme 7
XIX. Asırda Bir Sûfî Şair: Seyfeddin Bosnevî, Tasavvufî Yönü ve Şiirleri
Harran İlahiyat Dergisi

XIX. asır, Osmanlı Devleti’nin ekonomik, siyasî ve sosyal sorunlarla mücadele ettiği, buna mukabil toplumsal hayatta önemli ıslahatlar yapma gayretinde olduğu bir dönemdir. Bu asırda Devlet, yüzünü Batı’ya dönmüş, yüz yüze gelinen sorunlar karşısında başta Tanzimat ve Islahat Fermanları olmak üzere siyasî, sosyal ve kültürel hayatta köklü değişikliklere gidilmiştir. XIX. asırda idârî, askerî, mâlî vb. birçok alanda görülen zihniyet dönüşümü kendisini kültürel hayatın en önemli unsurlarından biri olan edebî sahada da göstermiştir. Bu dönüşümden ve sosyo-kültürel hayatta görülen yeniliklerden etkilenen klâsik Türk edebiyatı, XIX. asırda birçok şair yetiştirmekle beraber, eski şairleri taklitten öteye gidememiştir. Öte yandan din ve tasavvuf da önceki asırlarda olduğu gibi bu edebî geleneğin temel kaynakları olma hususiyetlerini devam ettirmiştir. Bu asırda yetişen ve ağırlıklı olarak dinî-tasavvufî şiirler kaleme alan şairlerin çoğunluğu başta Mevlevîlik ve Nakşibendîlik başta olmak üzere çeşitli tarikat zümrelerine mensup kimselerdir. Dinî-tasavvufî muhtevalı şiirlerin ağırlığının daha açık şekilde hissedildiği bu asırda yaşamış mutasavvıf şairlerden biri de Seyfeddin Bosnevî’dir. Şuarâ tezkireleri ile devrin tasavvufî hayatının ele alındığı Sefîne-i Evliyâ, Sicill-i Osmânî ve Tuhfe-i Nâilî gibi tabakat kitaplarında taramalar yapılmış, ancak Seyfeddin Bosnevî hakkında herhangi bir malumat elde edilememiştir. Kaynaklarda hayatı ile ilgili herhangi bir bilgi yer almayan Seyfeddin Bosnevî ile ilgili tespitler, kaleme aldığı şiirler vasıtasıyla yapılmıştır. Şairin tespit edilebilen tek eseri, hayatı hakkındaki bilgilerin de elde edildiği şiirlerini ihtiva eden ve kütüphane kayıtlarında Manzûme-i Bosnevî olarak yer alan risalesidir. Buna göre ailesi müşirlik yapmış olan şair, aslen Saraybosnalı olup memleketinden göç ederek İstanbul’a gelmiştir. Ardından Nakşibendî tarikatının XIX. asırdaki önemli temsilcilerinden Kütahyalı Evliyâzâde Şeyh İsmâil Hakkı Efendi’ye intisap etmiştir. İstanbul’un ardından hayatının bir kısmını da Bursa’da geçirdiği tahmin edilen şair, kaleme aldığı manzumelerinde mürşidi Evliyâzâde İsmâil Hakkı’yla ilgili de teferruatlı bilgilere yer vermiştir. XIX. asır mutasavvıf şairlerinden olan Seyfeddin Bosnevî, şuara tezkirelerinde yer bulamamıştır. Bu nedenle yaşadığı devirdeki edebî muhitlerde şairliği hakkında ortaya konulan görüşler tespit edilememiştir. Kaleme aldığı şiirlerinde de sanat telakkisi, edebî şahsiyeti ve şiir söylemedeki kudretiyle ilgili herhangi bir görüş beyan etmemiştir. Manzumelerinde genellikle “Seyfî” mahlasını kullanan şair, birkaç şiirini “Bosnevî” mahlasıyla yazmıştır. Bir şiirinde ise mahlas kullanmamayı tercih etmiştir. Bosnevî, tasavvufî gelenekte olduğu gibi şiirlerini, edebî sahadaki kudretini göstermek maksadıyla değil, tasavvufa dair duygu ve düşünceleriyle manevî tecrübelerini aktarmak, ekseriyetle de bağlı bulunduğu tarikatın önemli simalarına olan sevgisini dile getirmek maksadıyla kaleme almıştır. Manzumelerinde bazı Farsça ibareler dışında oldukça sade ve anlaşılması kolay bir dil kullanan ve samimi bir üslupla okuyucuya hitap eden şair, yaşadığı devrin orta derecedeki şairleri arasında gösterilebilir. Kütüphane kataloglarında yapılan taramalar neticesinde şiirlerini ihtiva eden ve incelemeye konu olan Manzûme-i Bosnevî adlı risâle haricinde başka bir eseri tespit edilememiştir. Bu makalede, öncelikle hakkında şu ana kadar herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamış olan XIX. asır sûfî şairlerinden Seyfeddin Bosnevî’nin hayatı, tasavvufî yönü ve edebî şahsiyeti ile ilgili bilgiler ortaya konulacak, ardından kaleme aldığı şiirlerin şekil ve muhteva incelemesi yapılacaktır. Son olarak ise, şiirlerin transkripsiyonlu metni verilecektir. Çalışma, XIX. asırda yaşamış olmakla beraber şuarâ tezkireleri ve devrin tasavvufî hayatına ışık tutan tabakât kitaplarında yer bulamayan bir şair olan Seyfeddin Bosnevî’nin hayatı ve şiirlerinin ortaya çıkarılarak ilim âlemine tanıtılması bakımından önem arz etmektedir. Asrın önemli mutasavvıflarından olan Evliyâzâde İsmâil Hakkı Efendi ile ilgili arşiv belgeleri ve dönem hakkında malumat veren kaynaklarda yer almayan bilgilerin ortaya konulması da çalışmayı önemli kılan bir diğer husustur.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

XIX. Asırda Bir Sûfî Şair: Seyfeddin Bosnevî, Tasavvufî Yönü ve Şiirleri

The XIX. The century is a period in which the Ottoman State is struggling with economic, political and social problems, and strives to make significant improvements in the sustainable social life. During this century, the State has turned his face to the West, facing faced problems, has gone to radical changes in political, social and cultural life, including Tanzimat and Islahat Ferman. The XIX. Military, Military, Military, Military etc. The mental transformation seen in many areas has also shown itself in the literary field, which is one of the most important elements of cultural life. The classical Turkish literature, influenced by this transformation and the innovations seen in social and cultural life, XIX. With many poets in the century educated, the old poets did not go beyond imitation. On the other hand, religion and tasavvuf, as in the previous centuries, continued to be the main sources of this literary tradition. The majority of the poets who have grown up in this century and are mainly religious-tasavvufic poems are those who belong to various taricate collections, primarily Mevlevîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlîlî. One of the poets who lived in this century, where the weight of the religious-tasavvufic poems was more clearly felt, is Seyfeddin Bosnevî. Thus, in the book of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit. The discoveries about Seyfeddin Bosnevî, which did not contain any information about his life in the sources, were made through the poems he received. The poet’s only work that can be identified is the essay that contains his poems where the information about his life is also obtained and which is included in the library records as Manzûme-i Bosnevî. According to this, the poet, who made his family, was originally a Saraybosnal and migrated from his homeland to Istanbul. Then the 19th edition. In the past, he was a member of the House of Representatives of the House of Representatives of the House. After Istanbul, a part of his life was also expected to be spent in Bursa, the poet, in his manuscripts he received the pencil, has placed the information about the right of Ismail in his marriage. The XIX. The poet, who was a poet of the century, Seyfeddin Bosnevî, did not find a place in his poetry. Therefore, the poetry of the literary period in which he lived has not been identified. In his poems he had not expressed any opinion about his art, literary personality, and his power in poetry. In his manuscripts, the poet, who often uses the "Seyfî" shell, wrote several poems with the "Bosnevî" shell. In a poem, he preferred not to be a poem. The Bosnian, as in the Tasavouffic tradition, did not use his poems to show his power in the literary field, but to transmit his spiritual experiences with his feelings and thoughts about Tasavoufa, and to express his love to the important symbols of the art which he is also connected with the exhortation. The poet who uses a very simple and easy to understand language in his manuscripts, except for some Persian words, and who addresses the reader with an intimate style, can be shown among the middle-degree poets of the era in which he lived. As a result of scans in the library catalogues, no other work has been identified except the manuscript Manzûme-i Bosnevî, which contains his poems and is subject to examination. In this article, first of all, there has not been any work done so far about the XIX. From the century the poet Seyfeddin Bosnevî's life, tasavvufî's direction and literary personality information will be revealed, then the form and the explanation of the poems he received will be carried out. Finally, the translation of the poems will be given. The work, XIX. In the century, he has lived, but he has not been able to find a poet in the tabacate books that keeps the light of the thesis of the thesis and the life of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis of the thesis. There are several different types of cookies that can be used in order to ensure that you have access to our site and that you have access to our site.

A Sufi Poet In The 19th Century: Sayf Ad-dīn Bosnawī, His Sufism and Poems

19th century is a period when the Ottoman Empire contended with economic, political and social problems, while it endeavoured to make significant reforms in social life. In this era, the Empire faced forward to the West and carried out significant reforms in political, social and cultural spheres, including the Imperial Edict of Gulhane and Royal Edict of Reform, in order to handle the problems. The intellecutal reforms taking place in several areas such as administration, military and finance in the 19th century is also seen in literary area, one of the most significant elements of cultural life. The Classical Turkish Literature, affected by this transformation and the reforms seen in socio-cultural life produced many poets in the 19th century. But, they mostly imitated former poets. On the other hand, as in the past centuries, religion and sufism continued to be basic sources of this literature. Most of the poets who lived in this century and wrote mostly religious-sufi poems were the members of a sect, especially Mawlawiyya and Naqsyabandiyah. One of the Sufist poets who lived in this century, in which the effect of religious-sufi poems was clearly felt, is Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī. Although collections of biographies of poets and sufis, such as Sefîne-i Evliyâ, Sicill-i Osmânî and Tuhfe-i Nâilî are examined, no information about Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī could be obtained. As no information is found about Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī, he was made known via his own poems. The only work of the poet that could be confirmed is a booklet that contains his poems, which also include information about his life. This booklet is registered in library records under the name of Manzûme-i Bosnevî. According to the booklet, ancestors of the poet acted as a state counsellor, he was originally from Bosna, but migrated to Istanbul. After that, he was spiritually attached to Awliyāzāda Sheikh Ismāʿīl Ḥaqqī of Kutahya, one of the most prominent representatives of Naqsyabandiyah in 19th century. The poet, who is predicted to spend some time in Bursa after Istanbul, gives detailed information about his teacher Awliyāzāda Sheikh Ismāʿīl Ḥaqqī in his poems. Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī, a 19th century sufi poet, is not included in the collections of biographies of poets. Thus, we could not find many opinions of literary circles on his poetry during the era. Also, in his poems, it is seen that he does not state any idea about his understanding of art, literary personality and artistry in his poems. He generally uses the pseudonym “Seyfi” in his poems, but he writes some of his poems under the pseudonym “Bosnavi”. Also, he prefered not to use a pseudonym in a single poem. As in Sufist tradinion, Bosnevi does not write his poems with the intent of showing his power in literary area. Contrarily, he does so in order to reveal his feelings and opinions about sufism, explain his spiritual experiences and especially express his love and respect for significant figures of his sect. The poet who uses a simple and plain language in his poems except for some Persian words and addresses to the reader in an unreserved style can be regarded as an ordinary poet in his era. Despite researches in library caralogues, no work of the poet is found except for Manzûme-i Bosnevî, which contains his poems. In this study, first, some information on Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī’s life, sufism and literary personality is presented. Then, the structure and content of his poems are analysed. Finally, his poems are transcripted. Considering that Sayf ad-Dīn Bosnawī, a 19th-century Sufi poet, and his poems are not included in collections of biographies of poets and sufis, this study plays an important role in introducing him and his poems to the academic world. Also, the study makes a significant contribution to the field as it contains valuable information on Awliyāzāda Sheikh Ismāʿīl Ḥaqqī, one of the significant Sufis of the era, which does not exist in archive documents and important sources of the era.

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Harran İlahiyat Dergisi

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Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 444
Atıf : 702
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