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 Views 18
International Journal of innovative Research in Education

This study reaches located in Cyprus and Turkish Literature teacher of 54 people, Opinions on the compatibility of Turkish Literature Textbook program was discussed. The main purpose of the study; Turkish Literature teacher is evaluated according to the opinions of the textbooks conform to the curriculum. Therefore, research in qualitative research involving 54 Turkish literature that has been studied in descriptive research model purchased from the teacher. Opinion on the specific dimensions according to the scale of the research are outlined. This sub dimensions, course objectives, comprehensiveness are features such as text selection program approach. Their views on the gender scale of teachers who participated in the study were analyzed according to seniority and type of school. Data analysis, t-test and ANOVA were used in the study. Therefore; According to the findings obtained from research They are not find literature teacher education programs in line with the general Turkish literature textbooks.  


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International Journal of innovative Research in Education

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

International Journal of innovative Research in Education