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 Görüntüleme 8
The Effect of Roof and Facade Gardens on Urban Climate
İklim ve Sağlık Dergisi

Today, it is predicted that approximately half of the world's population will live in urban areas and this rate will increase to two-thirds by 2050. In Europe, nearly 73% of Turkey's population lives in urban areas, the population was 75.1%, according to data for 2018. In this case, the increase in dense construction in cities causes the absorption of sunlight and heat capacity from artificial surfaces to increase and also to a decrease in green areas. The heat absorbed from the building surfaces and accumulated on these surfaces can easily escape from the city center. In this case, the city is forced to change the climate and the people living in the cities to live in uncomfortable environmental conditions. One of the proposed solutions to the event that the heat trapped on the building surfaces during daytime, called the urban heat island, is returned to the outside environment in the evening is the creation of green areas on the building surfaces. Studies have shown that the green areas created on the building surfaces give more efficient results than the use of cold materials. With the roof and facade gardens to be created on the building surfaces in the cities, a healthier environment will be offered to the city people by supporting the reduction of the urban heat island effect.  In this study, the effect of roof and facade gardens in order to reduce the effect of urban heat island created by urban housing will be revealed through literature studies.

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İklim ve Sağlık Dergisi

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

İklim ve Sağlık Dergisi