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 İndirme 1
Uluslararası Disiplinlerarası ve Kültürlerarası Sanat

The education programs in which design and implementation / construction are carried out together in interior architecture education are commonly referred to as ‘design - build programs de in the literature. The design-build programs provide students with an educational environment that allows them to learn building space, structure, material knowledge, and material handling in practice, as well as designing. This process also helps to establish a professional relationship between design education students and those in practice. In this context, Selçuk University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, 2017-2018 Spring Semester, 'Project 107' with the 4th grade students in the 'Construction Project' course (Project-2 Studio) and the Computer Laboratory '225' will be searched for a new identity in the fields and places organized for the students to be educated more efficiently. All of the equipments in the studio and laboratory were provided through sponsors and necessary permissions were obtained from the authorities. All processes in the application areas realized within the scope of the process were applied by the students in the design studio, and material awareness and application awareness were tried to be created in the students as well as belonging sense. Material knowledge and application knowledge is an important issue that cannot be ignored during the project implementation phase. Just as design concepts such as project design stages, preliminary projects, user requests, functionality are indispensable parts of the project, project implementation phase, material and application knowledge and field analysis are also an issue to be considered. As a result of this study, students had the opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge they gained during the education period starting from basic design education and their field experiences in office and construction site internships in 1/1 scale before the end of undergraduate education. Inadequate areas of department classrooms were identified and problems were identified. As a result of the design-build application, a new identity was introduced to the department classrooms, new functions were added and the needs of the classrooms were met. The learning motivation of the students who received design studio training increased and the sense of belonging of the student strengthened.

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Uluslararası Disiplinlerarası ve Kültürlerarası Sanat

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Uluslararası Disiplinlerarası ve Kültürlerarası Sanat