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Çağdaş Bir Türkmen Romanı: Nuh Tufanı

The Flood Nuh Tufam , the novel o f the contemporary Turkmen author Annaguli Nurmemmet, was published in Turkmenistan in 1990. The novel is also published in Turkey in 1994.1 am going to analyze the novel in my article. First, the summary o f the novel is given in detail. The point o f view o f author, and themes and characters in the novel have been studied. In the novel, the themes such as loneliness, the love to the nature have been studied and the origin o f the badness in the human nature has been questioned. The author has used the traditional material widely in his novel. He has also got use o f religious stories from the Bible, the Pentanch and Kuran. The Flood is a philosophical work that has brought the deepness to Turkish novel. These type o f novels will get the Turkish novel reach to a contemporary level in the world.


Citation Owners
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Field :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 651
Cite : 2.671
Basic Field of Educational Sciences
