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Kronik Hastalığı Olan Yaşlılarda Vitamin ve Mineral Kullanım Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Yaşlı Sorunları Araştırma Dergisi

Araştırma kronik hastalığı olan yaşlılarda vitamin ve minerallerin kullanım özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla tanımlayıcı, kesitsel türde yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklem grubunu Kırşehir il merkezinde bulunan bir Aile Sağlığı Merkezi’nde kayıtlı 260 yaşlı birey oluşturmuştur. Veriler sayı, yüzde ve ortalama olarak özetlenmiş, değerlendirmelerde Ki-kare analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmaya katılan yaşlı bireylerin yaş ortalaması 69,0±3,83 olup %51,2’si kadındır. Yaşlıların %32,3’ü vitamin ve mineralleri, %12,3’ü mineralleri, %20,0’ı ise vitaminleri kullanmaktadır. Yaşlıların kullandıkları mineraller sırasıyla Kalsiyum (%37,5), Magnezyum (%25,0), Demir (%12,5) ve Çinko (%12,5)’dur. Yaşlıların kullandıkları vitaminler ise sırasıyla C vitamini (%44,2), D vitamini (%30,8) ve B12 vitaminidir (%25,0). Yaşlıların %12,5’i mineralleri, %13,8’i ise vitaminleri reçetesiz kullanmaktadır. Vitamin ve mineralleri kullanan bu yaşlıların %18,5’i hastalıklardan korunmak, %13,8’i ise hastalıkların tedavisi için kullanmaktadır. Sağlık personeline danışarak vitamin ve mineralleri kullanma oranı yaşlılarda %23,1’dir. Kadın, bekar, hayatının uzun bir bölümünü ilçe, kasaba, köyde geçiren, sağlık durumunu kötü algılayan, çalışmayan, sağlık kurumuna ulaşımda sorun yaşamayan yaşlı bireylerin mineral kullanma oranları yüksek olarak belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Yaşlı bireylerden evli olanların bekar olanlara göre ve çalışmayanların çalışanlara göre vitaminleri kullanma oranları yüksek olarak belirlenmiştir (p<0,05). Yaşlıların vitamin ve mineralleri kullanmadaki en önemli sorunları reçetesiz ve sağlık personeline danışarak kullanmaları olmuştur. Bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda yaşlıların vitamin ve mineralleri akılcı kullanımı konusunda farkındalık kazandırılması gerekmektedir.


Identification of the characteristics of vitamin and mineral use in the elderly with chronic disease

The research was conducted by a detective, cutting-edge type in order to determine the characteristics of the use of vitamins and minerals in the elderly with chronic disease. The sample group of the study was formed by 260 elderly individuals registered in a family health center located in the center of Kırşehir province. The data is summarized as a number, percentage and average, the Ki-core analysis is used in the evaluations. The average age of the elderly individuals who participated in the study is 69,0±3,83 and 51.2% are women. 32.3 percent of the elderly people use vitamins and minerals, 12.3 percent minerals and 20.0 percent vitamins. The minerals that the elderly use are calcium (37.5 percent), magnesium (25.0 percent), iron (12.5 percent) and zinc (12.5 percent) respectively. The vitamins that the elderly use are vitamin C (44.2 percent), vitamin D (30.8 percent) and vitamin B12 (25.0 percent) respectively. 12.5 percent of the elderly people use minerals and 13.8 percent use vitamins without prescription. 18,5 percent of these older people who use vitamins and minerals protect against diseases and 13,8 percent use them to treat diseases. The rate of vitamin and mineral consumption by consulting healthcare staff is 23.1 per cent in the elderly. The percentage of mineral use of the elderly individuals who spend a long part of their lives in the district, town, village, who feel badly their health, who do not work, who do not have any problems in the transportation to the health institution has been highly determined (p<0,05). The rates of vitamin consumption of those married to elderly individuals are high compared to those who are single and those who do not work (p<0,05). The most important problems with the use of vitamins and minerals in the elderly population have been that they use it without prescription and consulting healthcare staff. In line with these results, it is necessary for the elderly to be awareness about the reasonable use of vitamins and minerals.



The research has been conducted descriptive, cross-sectional in order to determine the patterns of use of vitamins and mineral in the elderly with chronic disease. The sample group of the study consists of 260 elderly individuals registered in a Family Health Center located in Kırşehir city center. The data were summarized as number, percentage and average, and Chi-square analysis has been used for evaluations. The average age of the elderly individuals participating in the study is 69,0 ± 3,83 and 51,2% of them are women. 32,3% of the elderly use vitamins and minerals, 12,3% of them use minerals, and 20,0% of them use vitamins. The minerals used by the elderly are Calcium (37,5%), Magnesium (25,0%), Iron (12,5%), and Zinc (12,5%), respectively. Vitamins used by the elderly are Vitamin C (44,2%), Vitamin D (30,8%), and Vitamin B12 (25,0%), respectively. 12,5% of the elderly use minerals and 13,8% use vitamins without a prescription. 18,5% of these elderly people use vitamins and minerals to protect from diseases, and 13,8% of them use vitamins and bio elements for the treatment of their diseases. In consultation with the health personnel, the rate of using vitamins and minerals is 23,1% in the elderly. The rate of using mineral was found to be high in single women, those who spent a long part of their lives in towns, towns, and villages, those who perceived their health poorly, those who did not work, and who did not have any problems in accessing the health institution (p <0,05). The rate of using vitamins was found to be higher in elderly individuals compared to single and unemployed individuals compared to employees (p <0,05). The most important problems of the elderly in using vitamins and minerals have been using them without a prescription and in consultation with healthcare personnel. In line with these results, the elderly should be informed about the rational use of vitamins and minerals.


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