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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 9
Cumhuriyet dönemi Ula’nın sosyo-ekonomik yapısı
NOSYON: Uluslararası Toplum ve Kültür Çalışmaları Dergisi

In this article, after mentioning where the name Ula came from, the history of the district during the ancient period, Middle Ages, the Ottoman Empire Period and the War of Independence in a sequence have been discussed. In the section containing the geographical location of the district, the mountains, streams, climate, vegetation and plains of the district have been examined. In the section where the administrative structure of the district and the population are discussed, the names of the villages of the district and the number of residents living in these villages have been discussed in detail. In the section of the municipality and services of the district, the history of the municipality, the names of the mayors selected from the past to the present, and the services of the municipality such as water, electricity, lighting, cleaning, slaughterhouse and cemetery have been presented in detail. In the Health section of the district, the general health status in the district and the fight against malaria that affects the public the most have been discussed. In the sports section of the district, the sports clubs established in the district and their sporting activities have been presented. In the education status section of the district, the history of the primary schools and secondary schools in the district center and its affiliated villages in the last period of the Ottoman Empire and the Republic Period, and the status of students and teachers have been examined. In the economic situation sections of the district; the cultivation areas in the district and the amount of products obtained from there, tobacco production, fruit production, animal husbandry and animal breeding have been discussed and in the industrial section of the Ula District, in the industrial section based on hand looms, the professions based on arm power such as shoemaking, tailoring, tinning, weaving, saddle making, which kept the ahi culture alive. And finally, in the section titled institutions and organizations related to economic activities, the Green Ula Weavers Small Art Cooperative, an institution that developed and expanded weaving in the district during the Second World War, has been examined. As a result, the changes in the administrative structure of Ula, a small Anatolian town during the Republic period, those in its health and education status, those in its municipal services, those in its production structure, and how these changes destroyed its traditional structure have been put forward.

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NOSYON: Uluslararası Toplum ve Kültür Çalışmaları Dergisi

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

NOSYON: Uluslararası Toplum ve Kültür Çalışmaları Dergisi