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EUREKA: Life Sciences

The aim of the study is to form consumption properties of a green sweet pepper sauce with a balanced content of macro- and microelements. Due to the use of Xanthium strumarium and chitosan a new product has high organoleptic properties that attract a consumer and increase its competitiveness at the market. Sweet green pepper that relates to most valuable vegetable cultures as to food value and taste was chosen as a main component of a sauce. For giving it a necessary consistence and for decreasing a time of thermal processing, there was used chitosan. According to results of the conducted studies, it was established, that among studied types of chitosan, advantages as to forming a consistence belongs to food acid-soluble chitosan with particle sizes up to 0,5 mm in amount 0,5 %.For preserving the natural green color, pepper fruits were preliminarily processed in 1 % decoction of Xanthium strumarium at temperature 75ºС during 15 min. For increasing its food value, the recipe was added with spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials: garlic, dill, parsley, celery. The sauce quality was formed by mathematical modeling using general criteria of optimization of organoleptic parameters. There were also determined specific criteria of optimization of the recipe composition taking into account their daily need. As a result of the conducted studies the composition of recipe components for the sauce was optimized: sweet pepper 80 %, garlic leaves – 5 %, parsley leaves,dill – 5 %, celery leaves – 5 %, salt – 1,5 %, sugar – 0,5 %, chitosan – 0,5 %. There were studied organoleptic parameters of the developed sauce, characterized by a pleasant bright-green color, homogenous paste-like consistence, pleasant taste and smell. The used stabilizing factors allowed to get the sauce with the increased content of essential factors of nutrition. They participate in the increase of protective forces of the organism, so allow to recommend them in prophylactic, child and dietary nutrition.


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EUREKA: Life Sciences

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 355
Cite : 198
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

EUREKA: Life Sciences